
#16 Nice to show a tags view


It would be good to be able to list / navigate all tags
assigned to the projects.

Thanks, M.


  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-09
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mpechner
  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-09

    Logged In: YES

    This may become possible once we capture branch/tag
    information properly.

  • Sam Minnee

    Sam Minnee - 2004-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Related to this, better support for branches would be nice.
    * Filter reports to a particular branch
    * Indicate which branch a ChangeSet was committed to

  • Michael Pechner

    Michael Pechner - 2004-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    Adam I have read the code. It is always hard to work with
    someone elses code. So if you have and write up to help me
    along, please send it to me. Thanks.

  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    The code relating to CVS itself, the objects, much of the
    log parsing etc code and the math code, is contained in the
    CVSMonitor::MetaData::* namespace.

    From the top down...

    CVS Objects

    Represents a repository.
    Contains a number of ::Module's

    A single "module" in the repository ( for CVS's very vague
    definition of "module" ).
    Contains ::File's and ::ChangeSet's.

    Represents a single CVS/RSS file.
    Contains a number of ::Version's

    Represents a single version/revision of a single file.

    A virtual object derived from analysing all the ::Version's
    in a ::Module. The math is done just after the module log
    file is parsed into ::File's and ::Version's.
    Links to a number of ::Version's directly, across a range of
    Also contains the "Karma" math.

    A ::Delta is an abstract parent module/interface used to
    represent any "change" to a project. In our case, this
    covers both a single ::Version and the virtual ::ChangeSet,
    both of which represent changes to the code.

    Because all the math, range, charting etc stuff is all based
    on ::ChangeSets, we define the Interface ( logically like a
    Java Interface, but without the enforcement stuff ) ::Source.
    Anything that is a ::Source acts as a "source" of ChangeSet
    objects, from which other code can do various math. Anything
    that acts as a consumer of ChangeSet data generally takes it
    from ::Source objects. All a child of ::Source is required
    to do is to implement the "getChangeSets" method.

    This is a virtual object representing an Author, from memory
    it is derived at runtime as needed, by finding all the
    distinct "author" values in all the ::Version's. ( It might
    be done at update-time, but I can't recall exactly ).

    Activity is a set of changes. An ::Activity object is
    essentially a logical Collection of ::ChangeSet objects that
    can be modified.

    How we do Search

    A Search is primarily orentated around a single ::Activity

    For a ChangeSet search, we go like the following

    1. - Create an empty
    ::Activity ( )
    2. - Populate it with the
    contents of one or more ::Source's ( Repositories or Modules )
    3. - Apply a series of
    filters to the ::Activity via $Activity->filter ( see
    CVSMonitor/MetaData/ )
    4. - Sort it using
    5. Hand it off to viewSearchChangeSetResults( $Activity ) to
    display the results.

    So to add "Search by branch", you'd probably need to do a
    couple of things.

    1. Add another named filter to sub
    CVSMonitor::MetaData::Activity::filter, to implement
    whatever concept of branch/tag search we want ( substring,
    regex, dropdown list of the tags available? ).
    2. Add the HTML for the textbox or whatever to page
    3. Add anything to as
    needed ( perhaps to re-enter the value if nothing is found )
    4. Add the code to to see
    if they put in a value, and to filter the ::Activity object.


    On the seperate issue of Showing the branch/tag that a
    ChangeSet is one... maybe you'll need either to logically
    AND or OR ( there's different implications for each ) the
    values for all the ::Version's within the ::ChangeSet... I'm
    not sure exactly what the rule for the branch/tag of an
    entire ::ChangeSet would be in our case...

  • Michael Pechner

    Michael Pechner - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    Actually we will need another object for a file.
    It will need to track the branch mappings.

    Something I noticed is that a branch declaration always as
    the suffix x.0.2

    So :branch_new:
    We need to store this. When looking for a branch, people will
    request information on branch_new and we need to map back
    to the head revision for that branch for that file.

    Are we having fun yet?

  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    I'm thinking we might have to move much of this out to
    another class... I can see the math we need, but it might be
    computationally expensive, so in the long run we would
    probably want to freeze the branch data out to the scratch
    like we do for ChangeSets...

    Another thing, and a problem I've already encountered and
    fixed, is that you can't trust version numbers, they arn't
    reliable and they jump around at the whim of the
    adminstrator of the CVS repository.

    However, it is possible to determine for any changeset, what
    previous changeset was. The algorithm is in there somewhere...

    The net result is we have a (very fast) ->previous method to
    get the previous ::Version.

    To identify all the branches for a given Version, we should
    be able to just iterate up the ->previous links and
    accumulate and branch tags we find.

    That assumes a "branch" goes from the branch head all the
    way to the initial addition of the file. To work out the
    values for a "subranch" ( the point AT WHICH WE SPLIT
    through to the head ) just take all a Versions branches and
    subtract all those of it's ->previous Version if it exists.

    To find the head of each branch, you want an algorithm that
    goes over each version from oldest to newest, and sets the
    value of hash of { branch => revision } to the current
    Version for each branch of the version. At the end, the last
    values left in these should be heads of branches... or
    alternatively, I think you could go the reverse direction,
    and do a first-in, instead of last-in...

    Which means for a single file you should be able to derive

    $File->{branches} = {
    HEAD => [ '0.1', '0.353' ],
    oracle-dev => [ '0.8', '' ],
    crackle => [ '0.8', '' ],
    oracle-subdev => [ '', '' ],

    Using finding and storing THIS data struct, you should be
    able to cheaply determine:

    1. Entire branch, ->previous from branch-head to file root
    2. Sub-branch, ->previous from branch-head to branch-root
    3. "Is a version in a branch", ->previous until we hit
    either the branch-root or the file-root

    I hope this gives you some algorithm ideas...

    I certainly think there's enough code here to warrant it's
    own class though :)

    Possibly ::File::Branch as a hash implementing the struct
    above, and ::Module::Branch implementing some sort of
    aggregate branch logic for all of the files in a

    For a ChangeSet to be on a branch, EVERY version in the
    ChangeSet would have to be within that version range,
    although NOT on the root of it. I guess that means then
    "each version is either the head or can previous back to the
    root without hitting the root of another branch" and "the
    previous of each is either the root or can walk back to the
    root without hitting the root of another branch"... if you
    get what I mean...


  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    That should read

    For any ::Version it's possibly to tell what the previous
    ::Version was

  • Adam Kennedy

    Adam Kennedy - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    And just to double clarify :)

    If you think of all the revisions in a file as a set of
    linked nodes in a tree shape, any algorithm we implement
    must be implemented _only_ by walking the links between nodes.

    We can't use or trust version numbers for anything real
    other than display purposes.


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