

David Hollister

Welcome to the cvid wiki.

You'll find fairly extensive help in the application itself. There is really no content here yet, but there eventually will be.

cvid is primarily a front-end for mencoder, although it provides many other features as well, such as:

  • Non-linear editing (requires libjpeg and/or libpng support)
  • Merging of multiple AVI files (requires avimerge)
  • Basic DVD authoring (requires dvdauthor)

cvid will check for required components when the configure script is run. It will also perform run-time checks for the required and optional external binaries required to perform various tasks.

The requirements for compiling and using cvid can be found in the README file.

I am currently the sole developer. I began work on this application in April, 2011. It was originally intended to serve two purposes: 1) Replace a shell script I had written to do most of the encoding tasks that cvid now performs. The shell script was becoming large and difficult to maintain, and 2) It gave me an opportunity to learn GTK+.

My background is in kernel development (primarily I/O device drivers). I have had very little UI development experience and it's not something that ever really interested me. That may be evident if you use cvid. I tried to make it easy to navigate and intuitive, but I am definitely not a UI developer.

If you would be interested in helping on this project, please get in touch. There could definitely stand to be more developers, especially if they are also users. I'm sure there are plenty of bugs as well as plenty of enhancements that can be made to functionality as well as the look and feel. Even if development is not your forte and you feel you could help, please do.


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