
Version 1.4.0 of CuteFlow releasec

A new version of the document circulation system CuteFlow is available.

Please note that the new version of cuteflow comes with several database changes. So you <b>can not</b>!! update a running 1.3.x cuteflow installation to version 1.4. Sorry for that, i will provide a update script in mid-october.

The Version 1.4.0 brings the following improvements:
* Adding the possibility of resending a circalation completely
* Adding a "history" where a circaulation attemps where saved (useful if you resend a circulation)
* Adding the possibility to set a default value for the additional text (change the variable in config file)
* Adding italian translation (provided by Nello Galiano from italy) (change default language to "it" in
* Don't show the additional informations if no slots are defined for a circulation
* Notification of the sender if a receiver choose "reject"
* Fixing bug with email authentification
* Fixing bug with rejected circulation (the message was "successful" even if the circulation was rejected)
* Fixing bugs with "session_start" error messages on different pages
* Fixing bug with some debug messages on several pages
* Fixing some other small bugs
* Converting breaks of the addition text to <br> tags in the email

Posted by Timo Haberkern 2004-09-21

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