Istvan Holbok - 2010-12-31

Hello Cyril,

Please try your solution with letters őŐ and űŰ, will not work.
The reason of UTF-8 problems was the unset of character set of SQL connections.

In the file ...\config\ the MySQL connection character set is not set properly.
The connection with the default settings (to the proper UTF-8 database) usually are the following:

array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_client" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_connection" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(22) "character_set_database" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_filesystem" ["Value"]=> string(6) "binary" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(21) "character_set_results" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_server" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_system" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }

It is the reason why so many posts on the CuteFlow forum about the character set mismatch. Latin1 does not accept for example Ő and Ű letters.

The instant solution is to add only one line to the ...\config\

$connection = @mysql_pconnect($DATABASE_HOST, $DATABASE_UID, $DATABASE_PWD)
or die("Cant connect to database -A");

mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8'", $connection);

$db = @mysql_select_db($DATABASE_DB, $connection)
or die("Cant connect to database -B");


The connections are set properly after executing this command:

array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_client" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_connection" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(22) "character_set_database" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_filesystem" ["Value"]=> string(6) "binary" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(21) "character_set_results" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_server" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_system" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }

We have to add this blue line for the setup of MYSQL connection charset into the all files which handle SQL data-stream - about 70 items in 54-55 files.

It would be nice to declare an SQL data class for the next release to make more simple code with proper character set of SQL connections.