UTF-8 and language.inc.php
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I'have some problems with the language_files.
- now, my gui_fr.langprop file begin with //
- I'have changed the language.inc.php in line 32. I'm testing the $strLine like this if ($strLine) { if ( ($strLine[0] != "#") ...
- 'have changed the mail_content_values.php in line
- 574 : echo $arrSlot['strName']; => echo htmlentities(utf8_decode($arrRow["strName"]));
- 586 : htmlentities($arrRow["strName"]) => htmlentities(utf8_decode($arrRow["strName"]))
And now, everything work.
Hello Cyril,
Please try your solution with letters őŐ and űŰ, will not work.
The reason of UTF-8 problems was the unset of character set of SQL connections.
In the file ...\config\db_connect.inc.php the MySQL connection character set is not set properly.
The connection with the default settings (to the proper UTF-8 database) usually are the following:
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_client" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_connection" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(22) "character_set_database" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_filesystem" ["Value"]=> string(6) "binary" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(21) "character_set_results" ["Value"]=> string(6) "latin1" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_server" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_system" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
It is the reason why so many posts on the CuteFlow forum about the character set mismatch. Latin1 does not accept for example Ő and Ű letters.
The instant solution is to add only one line to the ...\config\db_connect.inc.php
Ref: http://hu2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-set-charset.php
$connection = @mysql_pconnect($DATABASE_HOST, $DATABASE_UID, $DATABASE_PWD)
or die("Cant connect to database -A");
mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8'", $connection);
$db = @mysql_select_db($DATABASE_DB, $connection)
or die("Cant connect to database -B");
The connections are set properly after executing this command:
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_client" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_connection" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(22) "character_set_database" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(24) "character_set_filesystem" ["Value"]=> string(6) "binary" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(21) "character_set_results" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_server" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
array(2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(20) "character_set_system" ["Value"]=> string(4) "utf8" }
We have to add this blue line for the setup of MYSQL connection charset into the all files which handle SQL data-stream - about 70 items in 54-55 files.
It would be nice to declare an SQL data class for the next release to make more simple code with proper character set of SQL connections.