
#17 Problem with shortcuts

v1.0 (example)

If you change the shortcuts with Options | Configure
shortcuts, save them and then exit, they will not work
again upon restarting CUTE and opening the configure
shortcuts dialog again.

Just as an aside, the default shortcuts are very
non-standard and require a lot of tweaking to get them
into some standard form. Even universal shortcuts like
Cut (Crtl-X), Paste (Ctrl-V), and Copy (Ctrl-C) are not
the default.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    On my system everything works fine

  • David Hart

    David Hart - 2004-06-08

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, this started with 0.2.6.

    Fortunately there's an easy workaround. Each time you load
    CUTE, go to Options > Configure Shortcuts. The dialog will
    appear. Click its OK button, without changing anything, and
    your preferred shortcuts will reappear.

    It's a minor nuisance, IMO easily outweighed by CUTE's many

    David Hart

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I change this il the .cuterc file : map("paste", "Ctrl+V")

    and I compile : Extra -> compile current file ...

    But the CTRL-V still not work ... I have the SHIFT instead ...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It seems that CUTE has crashed, so the .cuterc was not modified.

    - Heiko

  • Danny Staple

    Danny Staple - 2005-07-31

    Logged In: YES

    I have had CUTE crash otu a few times, not saving my changes
    to shortcuts - I wander if it may be wise in new versions to
    save out the shortcuts when exiting the dialog, not when
    exiting CUTE?

    As a comment to the second point - I thoroughly agree. It
    might be worth having a selection of default bindings - like:
    Cute default
    Standard (CTRL_V,X and C as well as ctrl f-find, ctrl-s
    save, f3 find next etc)

    And others (You could even do VI bindings if you wanted).
    This would save many users making the wholesale changes key
    by key.


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