
Tree [3734d3] master cursel-1.0.2 /

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File Date Author Commit
 CVS 2022-09-26 stes stes [3734d3] Add rule in Makefile for wifexit.c build
 build-aux 2022-09-18 stes stes [655eb1] Update to 0.3.1
 CHANGES 2022-09-23 stes stes [540d52] add VPATH to Makefile
 Form.3choices 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Form.6choices 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Form.addr 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Form.valid 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 INSTALL 2022-09-18 stes stes [655eb1] Update to 0.3.1
 LICENSE 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit 2022-09-26 stes stes [3734d3] Add rule in Makefile for wifexit.c build
 Menu.columns 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.description 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.dynamic 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.edit 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.empty 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.example 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.frame 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.interrupt 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.itemmsg 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.items 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.lininfo 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.multiselect 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.oninterrupt 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.reread 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.rows 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.stdalone 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Menu.submenu 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 README 2022-09-18 stes stes [655eb1] Update to 0.3.1
 TODO 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.datehelp 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.erasmus 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.gen_help 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.header 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.item2 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.item3 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 Text.readfile 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 aliasfile 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 backq.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 backq.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 charscan.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 charscan.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 choices.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 choices.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 cmdfile 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 cmdmenu.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 cmdmenu.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 compscan.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 compscan.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 condstmt.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 condstmt.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 configure 2022-09-26 stes stes [3734d3] Add rule in Makefile for wifexit.c build 2022-09-26 stes stes [3734d3] Add rule in Makefile for wifexit.c build
 coroute.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 coroute.m 2022-09-23 stes stes [540d52] add VPATH to Makefile
 cursel.h 2022-09-26 stes stes [3734d3] Add rule in Makefile for wifexit.c build
 cursel.m 2022-09-18 stes stes [655eb1] Update to 0.3.1
 descrip.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 descrip.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 dispscan.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 dispscan.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 doubleq.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 doubleq.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 erasmus 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 field.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 field.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 formfram.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 formfram.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 frame.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 frame.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 ifstmt.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 ifstmt.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 index.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 initfile 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 item.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 item.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 lex.lm 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 menufram.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 menufram.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 mytalk 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 mywifexit.c 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 mywifexit.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 pipeline.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 pipeline.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 process.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 process.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 redirect.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 redirect.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 singleq.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 singleq.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 slk.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 slk.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 stmt.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 stmt.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 stmtlist.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 stmtlist.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 subproc.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 subproc.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 talk 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 textline.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 textline.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 txtframe.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 txtframe.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 var.h 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 var.m 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 vsig.c 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit
 yacc.ym 2021-10-11 stes stes [af41f1] Initial commit

Read Me

CURSEL (c) 1999,2000,2002,2010,2014,2022 by David Stes .  All Rights Reserved.

CURSEL is a freeware FMLI implementation, a small language that allows you to quickly make a form- and menu- based character interface to shell scripts and other programs.

CURSEL filenames normally start with either "Menu", "Form" or "Text".

For example, the command,

	./cursel Menu.example

would interpret the contents of the file "Menu.example" and display an example Menu. 

CURSEL provides a language similar to the AT&T FMLI shell.  Note that the language is similar to, but certainly not the same as, a /bin/sh shell; in particular, backquoted expressions are NOT evaluated by a shell such as BASH, but rather by the builtin CURSEL "shell" (which does not have all features of e.g. BASH).

There are also a few CURSEL extensions:

1. text frames can use the "alignment" descriptor, a CURSEL extension, which allows you to left or right align text in a Text frame (centering and justification is also supported).

2. backquoted expressions can use () grouping of parentheses, as in the UNIX shell




See for example : UNIX SVR4 Programmer's Guide Character User Interface (FMLI and ETI)", by The UNIX System Group, UNIX Press.

Published 1992, Prentice Hall PTR (ISBN 0-13-020637-7).


Read the LICENSE file (the "GNU General Public License").

I am distributing CURSEL under the GPL so that improvements that you may make to CURSEL can get back into the "main" CURSEL sources, so that everybody may benefit from this.  

David Stes

CURSEL homepage :