
CurlyML / News: Recent posts

CurlyML released! A low-fat alternative to XML.

The reference Java 1.5 implentation of the CurlyML parser and utilities has been released for public consumption for the first time.

Version 0.1.0 of CurlyML allows user to easily make use of the CurlyML Parser by implementing the ParseEventHandler, or by simply using the DocumentLoader to load a Document tree.

It also includes a drop-in replacement for Java's PropertiesResourceBundle - CurlyMLResourceBundle. That's right, now you can write your application's resource strings in CurlyML, which makes for vastly simplified management of resource strings which you were probably already organizing heirarchically anyway. So why not use a heirarchical file format to hold them? Use CurlyML.

Posted by ephemerae 2006-09-30