
support for changing file modification time

Mike Burr
  • Mike Burr

    Mike Burr - 2007-05-02

    I was trying to use rsync over curlftpfs & discovered that curlftpfs doesn't support changing the modification time on a file, which rsync absolutely needs to function properly.

    Did some digging & I'm guessing this is because there are no standard FTP commands to set the modification time on a remote file (are there even any non-standard commands?).  I did some thinking & it occurred to me that it should be reasonably straightforward to store an auxiliary file on the FTP server to track "real" modification times as set by FUSE's utime() call.  I pulled down the source for curlftpfs 0.9.1 & prototyped enough bits of this to convince myself it would work.

    If anyone else thinks this is interesting, please respond & I will spend a few extra weeks to finish the work & submit the changes for others to use/abuse.

    • jallon damien

      jallon damien - 2008-01-21

      I have the same problem, but i have no direct solution, but this option : --size-only.

      Do you see my post today? i'm trying to use rsync but not possible to do chown, chgrp or delete file : rsync say : "failed: Software caused connection abort (103)"

      Do you have an issue ?

      • Mike Burr

        Mike Burr - 2008-01-21

        It's been awhile, but this sounds like the errors I was seeing from rsync.  I got some prototype code working, but I started running into problems with the FTP connection getting messed up & got sidetracked on other projects.

        I recently had an idea for a different way to solve this that would use a parallel HTTP connection and a simple PHP script on the server to set the date/time.  Would be much simpler, but it would limit the applicability of the solution to ISP-like scenarios that supported PHP on the server side.



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