
curl_easy vs curl_multi

  • Nickolaj Zamotaev

    Is this a bug or a feature, that curlftpfs on read first reads the whole file in to memory and only then gives access to it?
    Found this trying to copy huge file (~600Mb) from ftp server

    Should it be better to use curl_multi instead of curl_easy and access only needed part of the file?

    • Robson Braga Araujo

      It is a TODO to implement the loading of the file as needed. It will probably be in the next version. I still don't know if I'll use the multi interface or use multiple threads.

      • n.f.

        n.f. - 2007-10-07

        not reading the entire file would be cool. especially when nautilus tries to fetch the beginning of a file for mime type detection/preview rendering. is this already implemented in 0.9.1?

        btw, is the CVS up to date? (the is still version 0.9)



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