
Curl Data Kit Data Services available for Curl Release 7

The CDK-DS library implements the remoting and web messaging services that are supported by the open source BlazeDS server, including remote procedure calls (RPC) and publish/subscribe messaging.

This CDK-DS Release (CDK-DS 1.1) is for use with Curl Version 7.0.

Action Message Format (AMF) is a compact binary data transfer format used originally for serializing ActionScript object graphs. The AMF protocol specification is open source. BlazeDS is an open source server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology.

The Curl Data Kit (CDK) project supplies libraries that facilitate building data-centric applications in Curl. Curl provides a Rich Internet Application platform for building and deploying Web-based applications that demand complex, highly interactive interfaces previously only possible as client-server applications.

The Curl Open Source program promotes the development of open source libraries for the Curl platform.


Posted by dmccrae 2009-01-21

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