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    Welcome to Help

    • Leander

      Leander - 2007-04-18

      First of all thank you very much for CupCakeCMS, it really helped me to get into CakePHP.

      I am trying to use CupCake with cake 1.2.x.x which works fine for the Frontend so far.
      But apparently something changed for components in 1.2?

      Trying to login through /admin
      throws an error:

      Call to a member function check() on a non-object in /Library/WebServer/testing/currentcake/app/views/layouts/admin.thtml on line 31

      if ($this->controller->Session->check('User')){...}

      I guess assigning the values of the referencing controller does not work anymore in 1.2?

      // assigns values of referencing controller
        function startup(&$controller) {

      Do you know how to fix this for cake 1.2?
      thank you in advance ;)


    • J B

      J B - 2007-04-18

      Hello, Leander.

      I'm new to the process of maintaining an open source project so please bear with me. (I don't know yet if it is alright to just update the current package there, or do I have to create a new one.)

      Anyway, the answer to your question is that the admin.thtml can be fixed by replacing




      If it's alright with you, please go ahead and edit the admin.thtml file located in the views/layouts folder.


    • Leander

      Leander - 2007-04-18

      Hello Jason,
      thank you for the immediate response.
      Fixing the session thing was easy.
      (I already ran into some new problems with cake 1.2... but will try to solve them myself before bother you again)

      Maintaining a Project on Sourceforge:
      I don´t know either, but i have seen some projects on SF having a Subversion repository. So maybe SVN for minor fixes and updates and a new package for major releases?

      I would quite like to contribute to cupcakeCMS in some way!
      I´m gonna keep an eye on your SF site!
      If there is anything i can do let me know



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