
C.U.O.N / News: Recent posts

new C.U.O.N. C++ Client

Hi there,
the new client is out and also you can test it now with a little, small testserver. place a cuon.ini with this content in a folder and start in a terminal from this folder the cuonclient.


description = Cuon Client Configuration
workingdir = /misc/cuon_test
host =
port = 7000
protocol = http
type = client
locale = /locale
debug = NO
alternategui = NO
username = test1
password = test1
client_id = 1
reportuser = reporter
ssh_port = 22... read more

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2013-04-02

New Installer for Debian/Ubuntu

Here are the easy installer for the Cuon-System. There is a very easy to use client installer with configuration Wizard, also the setup - and control program and the cuon server install. This installer are ever uptodate, they install every time the newest version of cuon.
Simple to use: click on it and normaly your browser opens an Installer for Debian packages.

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2010-06-13

Lhasa 0.43-1 new Version GPL V3

Der Statistikbereich ist ernorm erweitert worden, neben normalen Umsatzstatistiken (Tag, woche, Monat, Quartal, jahr, jahrzent, ... ) und deren Vergeich( z.B. letzte 3 Monate) wird dasselbe auch mit Zahlungseingängen gemacht.
Eine Umsatzverteilung sowie die Verteilung der Zahlungseingänge nach kontaktern ist ebenfalls implementiert.

Der Personal-Stammdatenbereich wurde um Urlaubs- und Kranheitstage erweitert.

Wenn ihr auf Gesprächspartner geht, könnt ihr dort Daten eines Gesprächspartners eingeben, cuon sucht euch dann die dazugehörigen Adressen raus.(Springt automatisch zum ersten TAB )... read more

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2008-01-27

Khartum 0.38-9 last version under GPL V2

This version 0.38-9 is the last version under the GPL V2, starting from the next version applies the GPL V3.
New in this version:
A new, large module is the administration of an Internet appearance. This module still is in the initial phase,
in addition, the new Web appearance of CUON ( becomes already with it administers.
Again at the Web appearance also the range is Wiki and Bug Tracking. Here everyone can provide an error
ticket now and examine naturally also open errors and/or the completion of the bugs.
The new GTKMiniclient (AI) is finished. I revised and with a Login equipped it totally.
The AI can separate and look for also addresses and Telefonummern according to first name and surname now.
CUON has now finally an invoice book. There is it also an automatic posting of the order.
A new table, which was created only for communication with the AI, can be headed for now of the AI out.

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2007-07-07

New Version Cochabamba 0.34-13

Neu ist bei dieser Version das Kontaktmanagement und ein erweitertes Terminmanagement. Außerdem wurde eine Formularverwaltung eingeführt, über die zur Zeit Formulare für die Sonstigen Notizen, Notizen Kontakter, Notizen Representanten, Notizen Berater verwaltet werden. Ein dummer Fehler wurde beseitigt, bei mehr als 80.000 Adressen wurde CUON merklich langsamer. Den InternetClient gibts wie immer auf
The contact management and an extended date management are new with this version. In addition a forms management was introduced, over which at present forms for the other notes, notes Kontakter, notes representants, notes advisors are administered. A stupid error was eliminated, with more than 80,000 addresses became CUON noticeably more slowly. The InternetClient can be download at

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2007-02-01

Release 0.04

new Release avaible

Posted by Jürgen Hamel 2002-03-19