
User Questions on CUBRID Forum

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2011-06-13

    Hello thorny-road,

    As you might have noticed we have changed the default phpbb powered forum to XE board temporarily. So we moved all forum threads to the new one.

    Recently one of the users have posted some questions at and Please look at them and reply.

    Also, make sure you are notified by new posts in CUBRID-PHP forum.

    Btw, you should have received your new password by email.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2011-06-13

    Hi kadishmal,

    I have read the posts at, and I'm afraid that maybe the problem is not in CUBRID PHP, but in CUBRID CCI or CUBRID. And I will do some experiments these days to find out the reasons of these problems.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2011-06-21

    Hi thorny-road,

    1) One of the users have used the PHP libs we distributed on He could not install them and use. Some problem have been occurred, so he needed to compile from PECL. Please see He has attached his libs, too.

    2) CUBRID 8.3.1 PHP API seems to have some issues. See When you start inserting big amount of data, CUBRID freezes, or PHP freezes? He has attached the code which creates tables and inserts the data. Please try with CUBRID 8.3.1 and PHP API and see why it freezes in the middle. In my case it stopped executing the queries sometime after 5333 record in the table 4.

    Then please post your answers either here or on that forum.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2011-06-21


  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2011-06-21

    Hi kadishmal,

    1) Stas is right. The pre-compiled CUBRID PHP binaries for Linux are compiled without ZTS. If users need ZTS version binaries, they can configure the php with the configure option "-enable-maintainer-zts", when compiling CUBRID PHP with PHP source codes. But I don't know why it needs zts version CUBRID PHP on Ubuntu.

    2) I have run the test script on my Windows with CUBRID and CUBRID, and on a Windows virtual machine with 512M memory, all of the tests is successful. So I need more information to reproduce the scenario.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2011-06-21



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