The example listed here:
is not a very ok one. The server mentioned is unusable and therefore the user cannot run the script to check the output. I think for all examples demodb should be used since most users will know about it or have it installed when installing cubrid.
Secondly, there is a typo in cubrid_close_requst($req); where it should be request and not requst.
Below is an example I wrote. If you notice any problems, let me know.
$con = cubrid_connect (localhost, 33000, demodb);
if ($con) {
echo connected successfully\n;
$req = cubrid_execute ( $con, select * from athlete limit 0,10,
if ($req) {
while ( list ($name, $gender) = cubrid_fetch ($req) ){
echo $name., ;
echo $gender.\n;
cubrid_close_request($req); // or you can use cubrid_close_prepare($req)