
cuBnc / News: Recent posts

Work started on cuBnc 2.0

With the release of version 1.1 of cuftpd, it is at a point where I can relax a bit and move my focus over to cubnc again.
I plan to completely rewrite cubnc by using the framework I created in cuftpd. This will mean that I get a lot of things for free, and that cubnc will inherit a lot of the wonderful features that are available in cuftpd.
This won't happen over night, but stay tuned for some more news.

Posted by jevring 2008-02-05

1.1.4 is out

the usual, check it out, read the changelog...

Posted by jevring 2006-03-14

1.1.3 out - READ THIS POST!

Some of you aren't reading the documentation, but binaries ARE included. (well, classes anyway)

Posted by jevring 2006-01-19

1.1.2 is out

with the following changes:

1.1.2 -
- Changed a setting so that the glftpd authenticator doesn't crap out if you haven't specified the path to the userfiles.
People forgot this when upgrading from 1.1.0 (it shouldn't matter if you're not using the setting), but this crapped
out for everybody, no matter if the setting was used or not.
- Command line support for specifying the path to bnc.xml. Can be both a filename or an URL. (such as or /nfs/files/bnc.xml). It can even be called asomething other than "bnc.xml"
- A goodbye.msg is now displayed, optionally, when a user logs out from cubnc (issues the QUIT command)
- Fixed the default redirect command to work from anywhere in the cubnc vpath structure.

Posted by jevring 2005-10-07

1.1.1 out - fresh out of ideas

I just released cubnc 1.1.1
comes now with support for reading ident and host patterns form the glftpd userfiles, if you want to.

Posted by jevring 2005-06-23

1.1.0 with passwd support

Hot on the heals of 1.0.3 is 1.1.0. With alot of new and improved functionality.
Dare I say my best one yet =)

Posted by jevring 2005-06-03

1.0.3 is OUT

After a long silence, and even longer news silence, I can now bring you version 1.0.3 of this wonderful piece of software.
it slices, it dices, it, well, bounces ftp connections really.
enjoy! =D
(Check the changelog for the updates)

Posted by jevring 2005-06-02

cuBnc-1.0 FINAL is out!

finally, after some revision and waiting, 1.0 final is finally here!

Posted by jevring 2005-03-17

rc4 is out!

and it seems like this might be the one that turns in to 1.0-final! =)

Posted by jevring 2005-03-05

1.0rc3 is out now

test it hard. with a little luck, we can make this 1.0-final =)

Posted by jevring 2005-02-25

1.0rc1 is out!

So, we finally reached the 1.0 point.
No more features will be included at this time, merely bugfixes.
all input is welcome.

Posted by cuBnc 2005-02-02 patch release out

read the changelog

Posted by jevring 2005-01-28

0.8.1 is out. lots of changes

redundant hosts, easy custom site commands, read the changelog!

Posted by jevring 2005-01-27

0.8.0 is out

alot of bugfixes, and some feature additions like entry bnc support, active mode, and a new site command system.

Posted by jevring 2005-01-12

0.7.9 is out (the internet is cool, I'm posting from egypt)

Turns out I forgot to add the news, so for you RSS people, this might be the first you hear of this release

so, 0.7.9 is out, mostly bugfixes, some other stuff, read the changelog.
In other news, I'm posting this from the lobby of my hotel in egypt, and the internet really is a world-spanning fenomenon.
even my gsm phone works perfectly in this 3rd world country.

Posted by cuBnc 2004-12-24

0.7.8 is out

I've finally released 0.7.8
This is more of a bugfix version, but i also added the ability to bind to a certain address for the host

Posted by jevring 2004-12-05

0.7.7 is OUT

Now with support for encrypted transfers and better exception handling on ssl and socket errors.

Posted by jevring 2004-11-22

0.7.6 is out and freeze free

at long last, we have worked out the freezing problems. sadly, what did the trick was probably rebooting the host machine, however we will never know.
Added a guide on how to subclass the SiteCommandHandler to add your own commands.
Run it and please get back to me with feedback.
I appreciate it.

Posted by jevring 2004-11-08

Freezes? (0.7.5 and previous)

Right now we get strange freezes for no apparent reason when running cubnc after a coupel of hours.
Even tho people are still onlin and using it, it accepts no new connections, but the funny thing is that, according to the log, we don't even get to the socket.accept() stage in the code when we connect, so the hos OS seems to be blocking or something, I really have no clue.
That is hwy I need your help to try and solve this mystery. I've put 0.7.5 online (or I will in a second anyway), and if you want to, please try it out and give me feedback.

Posted by jevring 2004-11-03 list problems

Fixed a problem where sometimes when you'd list slave hosts, half of the filename for the last file would dissapear

Posted by jevring 2004-10-27

0.7.4 OUT (Rejoice!)

Finally, after ptting other projects behind me, I decided to do some bugfixes and speed increases and to release this the latest version of my creation.
I've sped up the remote listing by a factor of two, which is nice.
The idle checker should also work alot better now. anyway, enjoy.

Posted by jevring 2004-10-23

Assert keyword problems

Some people are having problems with the assert keyword in 1.4.1 and upward, though not in 1.5.0.
I'm not at home currently, but this will be fixed on monday.
In the mean time, just run the included classes, or remove the assert lines from the code and recompile.

Posted by jevring 2004-10-16

0.7.3 is slated for release soon, INPUT NEEDED!

I'm soon going to release 0.7.3 with some very minor bug-fixes. Nothing affecting fuctionality, host of shuttoing down cleanly.
For 0.7.3 or 0.7.4 I want feature requests.
I have yet to implement active mode ftp and MKD from the root, but appart from that, I really don't know what more to do.
I'm also going to make a better installation guide, and I'm thinking about adding pluggable moduels for trapping various site commands, and maybe writing LDAP and NIS auth modules.
But I don't have anything concrete, and that's why I want inpu tfrom you, my dear users.
Please use the forums or email me.

Posted by jevring 2004-10-13

0.7.0 OUT

Finally, after hours of sweat and tears, we finally have it out the door.
And with good configuration for loglevels aswell, hacked in the last minute.

Posted by jevring 2004-10-11

0.7.0-vfs almost done

Expect a release any time now. I jsut have to clean up the info and config files, and package it

Posted by jevring 2004-10-11