
CubicVR Progress June 30th, 2008

  • Charles J. Cliffe

    Hey everyone, we've made major progress in the past year.

    Current state of CubicVR technology:

    - Now running 100% in OpenGL 2.0, previous GL versions have been deprecated
    - Now has an integrated physics package thanks to the Bullet Physics library
    - All lighting operations performed in GLSL shader language, scene can allow for infinite lights (8 active lights per model)
    - Default shaders support advanced surfaces /w Alpha Map, Specular Map, Luminosity Map, Bump Map and Color Map with no additional shader code
    - Customizable lighting and surface shaders
    - Start of Lua scripting integration into the scene to allow fully scripted environments
    - Optimized transforms and automatic static transform locks
    - PSP version is undergoing major advancements including bullet physics

    Would also like to give my thanks to our newest project member Derek Doucett of Ravenous Games / Ion Storm who has dedicated many hours to the design, research and development of CubicVR and it's PSP port over the past year.

    If you're interested in the project let me know as we are seeking community input during this growth phase.


    • Johan Rehnberg

      Johan Rehnberg - 2009-08-11

      I just checked out 1144 and i could not find any sign of PCSS in your shaders or source.
      According to your features list you have implemented that in CubicVR.
      Is PCSS really implemented ?

      • Charles J. Cliffe

        Ahoy,  you can find the PCSS poisson disk kernel and code in the file (relative to trunk):


        in the function:

        float shadowVal(vec4 shadowProj, sampler2DShadow shadowMap, float rad, float shadowRes)

        This is currently only implemented correctly for Area Light + Deferred shading, area light shader currently renders 3 PCF+PCSS shadow map regions simultaneously.  Once the code is ported to work in the other shader states it will likely be simpler to use.

        Let me know if you have any questions on how it works.


        • Johan Rehnberg

          Johan Rehnberg - 2009-08-12

          Found it, i checkout the wrong branch.
          You may wanna change your checkout instruction on

          I may be back with questions after looking at it.

          • Charles J. Cliffe

            checkout instructions are actually correct, the 'current' version is just the latest copy that compiles for all platforms -- the trunk is only for the brave at the moment as it's been changing rapidly over the past few months -- we will eventually move a copy to 'current' when it's confirmed working for all platforms again.


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