
csv2ldif2 / News: Recent posts

csv2ldif2 1.0.1 released!

csv2ldif2 is a command line tool written in perl that converts CSV files to LDIF files. It is platform independent and allows you to tune the ldif-output very much by simply providing options.

Only two days after releasing 1.0 i encountered a non-critical bug. If the csv-fields, that should be used to create the entries DN, was empty, then the created DN was invalid and a perl-error message was sent to STDERR. This error is catched now, providing a more detailed explaination what was wrong.... read more

Posted by Benedikt Hallinger 2007-02-14

csv2ldif2 1.0 released!

csv2ldif2 is a command line tool written in perl that converts CSV files to LDIF files. It is platform independent and allows you to tune the ldif-output very much by simply providing options.

csv2ldif2 now includes all planned features so it is time to release the 1.0!

Please note that the -q parameter changed.
Empty attributes are now hidden by default, you can print them using the new -x parameter.
-q has a also a new meaning now: Use it to specify the quoting character. This character can be
used to be able to include the field separator inside a csv field value. See the command line help (-h) for more information and a example on this.... read more

Posted by Benedikt Hallinger 2007-02-12

csv2ldif2 0.9.2 released!

csv2ldif2 is a command line tool written in perl that converts CSV files to LDIF files. It is platform independent and allows you to tune very much by simply providing options.

This is another bugfix release that fixes two little problems i overlooked yesterday.
The only thing left now is support for quoted csv fields to be able to use the delimeter character inside a field.

You can download it here:

Posted by Benedikt Hallinger 2007-02-08

csv2ldif2 0.9.1 released!

csv2ldif2 is a command line tool written in perl that converts CSV files to LDIF files. It is platform independent and allows you to tune very much by simply providing options.

0.9.1 is a bugfix release that fixes some problems with the -s -f and -i parameter that occured if one of the numbers has more than one digit.

You can download it here:

Posted by Benedikt Hallinger 2007-02-07

csv2ldif2 0.9 released!

csv2ldif2 is a command line tool written in perl that converts CSV files to LDIF files. Core features are: Platform independent, reads csv data from STDIN and writes ldif data to STDOUT, ability to ignore/select specific fields of the CSV file, combination of source fields into the dn, choosing a custom base-dn and much more needed to convert arbitary csv files into LDIF format.

The release 0.9 is the first release of csv2ldif2 but considered stable enough for production.... read more

Posted by Benedikt Hallinger 2007-01-25