Read Me
csvtools 1.0.58 README
the csvtools are a set of tools design to inable an
insetring of csv to most of the given SQL servers
the main focus of the tools is about Mysql and
PostgreSQL and ODBC.
Tools Overview
csv2mysql - A binary tool for inserting each of the CSV
line into the MySQL Database.
this tool has been tested with MariaDB as well
csv2pgsql - A binary tool for inserting each of the CSV
line in the the PostgreSQL Server Directly.
this binary tool has been tested with PostgreSQL 9.X
csv2odbc - A very Unix tool for inserting the CSV files into
any database that provided a Driver for unixODBC.
This tool uses basic SQL commands that are suitable for
most of the available databases.
The tool has been test with Oracle,Mysql and PostgreSQL
csv2sqlite - A very simple tool for inserting CSV files into a prexsisting
SQLITE Database.
csv2json - a binary tool to generate Json based files from the CSV file
with easy options to run as a batch
csv2mongo - inserting data from a CSV file to a MongoDB Database , this
require a preconfigured database for inserting
csv2xml - very easy and fast tool to migrating a CSV file into an XML file
csvcombine - a binary files which takes several CSV file and combines it into
a single CSV file
csvsplit - use a preconfigured paramaters to split the CSV file into several
files which is based on user define parameters
The doc/ directory
Installation Overview
For detailed installation instructions, see the INSTALL file in the root
directory of the source distribution.
The csvtools source distribution is designed to be configured using the
GNU autotools, so compiling and installing follows the familiar command
sequence of './configure ; make ; make install'.