

Stephan Berger


I wrote this app in order to admin our local CS:S lan server remotely.
I've tested also other tools like Crocks Tool and HLSW. These tools are quite nice but they didn't fit all of our needs or are too overloaded with other stuff.

Finally I found the SourceRcon lib by Andrew Simpson. After fiddling around with it some while I decided to recode it completly. I removed the async calls and used sync calls instead. These are easier to handle (@least for me...). Nevertheless Andrew deserves a big thanx as his script showed me how to get started!

Well, @moment most of the features work quite well.
There are smaller drawbacks with eventscripts like gungame51 as the server quits the connection when loading the script.
Not all exceptions are handled properly, yet. I'll try to fix them probably, soon.

The mani admin tab is still empty...
The users tab needs to be filled with usefull function calls...

Well, hope it's usefull for You!

Cheers, Stoffl



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