
Tree [e16c4e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 docs 2019-03-30 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [b63ce1] Update
 sample 2019-04-02 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [93e795] Update index.html
 License 2019-03-28 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [35bc00] Rename license to License 2019-04-09 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [e16c4e] Update
 vise-min.css 2019-03-29 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [b53047] Update vise-min.css
 vise.css 2019-03-29 Amine Belgacem Amine Belgacem [c87052] Update vise.css

Read Me

A lightweight, minimal and mature vanilla CSS framework built with care. It can be used as a primary framework or as a secondary one alongside any other framework. Check this demo page for a quick showcase.

Why Vise

There is dozens of CSS frameworks available but why Vise ?

  • You may not need a heavy framework to build a great user experience.

  • You may want to use more than one framework on the same HTML document.

  • You may want a smarter and easier to learn minimal framework.

  • You need a library that is supported by 98% of web browsers.

Get Started

There are a couple ways to get Vise:

To get started properly have a look on the docs.


Vise is not the usual framework, it's not based only on making CSS styling a faster process but also forged with some notions in mind:

  • Encaplsulation

Vise is self-enclosed, it doesn't get affected by previously loaded frameworks on the same HTML document. Thus it can be used alongside any other framework (Bootstrap, Foundation, Bluma, etc).

Any element enclosed within Vise's opening and closing tags drops any previous alternation and gets Vise's defaults.

Any Vise class is only usable within Vise's enclosure and affects only it's child elements, leaving outer elements untouched.

  • Self-reliance

Packed with the basic features, Vise is functional out-of-the-box. With styled HTML elements, helper classes and a smart grid system, Vise is a complete framework that can build simple and complex web contents.

  • Minimalism

Vise is meant to be minimal while offering the basic features to build a consistent user experience. With around 30kb of size, Vise is one of the most lightweight frameworks. Based on a simple naming convention and a powerful grid system, it forms a reliable starting point for your project.


For more check the docs.


Designed by appforge Licensed under the MIT License.