
#66 Sip2Sip problems


Originally created by: zdevel
Originally owned by:

First problem is with inbound calls, i see only username without server.
Second is with outbound calling, dialer cuts @server part and pass only user@ part, which makes this function almost useless.

Build .12, Moto Milestone


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-28

    Originally posted by:

    I should implement an option for that.

    In most cases, users doesn't understand how sip works and email addresses style seems complicated to them. That's the reason why I simplified the display using only the display name (if any) or the user part for incoming calls.
    I can add an option that makes sip addresses not truncated.

    For outbound calls there is already an option that allow you to use "text dialer".
    In the main dialer screen of csipsimple, just click on the button at the left of the call button. View will flip and you'll access the "Text dialer" (which has to be reworked in term of ergonomic design but is functional). Besides, there is an option in settings > appearance to make csipsimple start with the text dialer instead of the digit dialer.

    Btw, there is something I didn't add yet but not really related to your issue : in the digit/text dialer, i'll add a way to choose the account use to place the outbound call.

    So to conclude :
    - I'll add an option in "appearance" to allow user to choose if he want the full display of sip addresses.
    - The second problem can be already solve with the existing "text dialer" interface.

    Do you think that's ok?

    Labels: -Type-Defect -Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
    Owner: r3gis.3R
    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-29

    Originally posted by:

    Last version may improve things.
    Text dialer has not the feature to choose the outgoing account. But I fixed some bugs in the treatment from text dialer.
    Let me know if better with last version.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-03

    Originally posted by:

    Marked as fixed, cry if it's not ;). but should be since I fixed many things in this part of code recently.

    Status: NextRelease


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