
#63 Conflict with GV Dialer Integration

Usability (9)

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What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Install the Google Voice app and configure it with your GV number.
2. Set the GV app to prompt the user on each dial whether or not to use GV.
3. Set cSIPSimple to integrate with the dialer.
4. Select a contact to call, or dial a number from the dialer.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The result is that you're first prompted with the GV integration. Whether you choose to use GV or not, it then passes to the cSIPSimple integration, which prompts you to choose between SIP and GSM. Selecting either one of these returns you to the GV prompt, and you keep looping between the two. In short, you can never complete your call.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Motorola Droid, Android 2.2, latest Google Voice.


Tickets: #1737
Tickets: #219
Tickets: #92


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-25

    Originally posted by:

    Well I've no google voice to test it and google voice is not open source.
    Will be hard to test for me.

    I don't really know how google voice manage outgoing calls.

    Just something you can try and that will help me :
    Go to CSipSimple, Menu > Option > User interface and uncheck the Activate integration box. Then retry to place a call using the native dialer. Say me if GV dialer loop alone or if you can place a call.

    Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-Low
    Owner: r3gis.3R
    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-25

    Originally posted by:


    1) Enable GV to "ask each time I call" and enable active integration on cSIPSimple -- loops between GV selector and cSIPSimple selector infinitely until you select SIP. Can't place non-SIP call.

    2) Disable cSIPSimple active integration -- GV selector works as intended.

    3) Enable cSIPSimple active integration and set GV integration to "always use GV" (no prompt from GV) -- loops through cSIPSimple prompt infinitely until selecting SIP. Can't place non-SIP call.

    4) Disable GV integration entirely, enable cSIPSimple integration -- cSIPSimple integration works as expected, but GV does not.

    Hope this helps.

    (Note, I can install adb and run commands to debug if that would help. I'm already rooted, etc.)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-13

    Originally posted by:

    This is an excellent report, thanks for the detail. I'm new to Android dev and taking baby steps with CSipSimple to help Regis. This one sounds like something I can dig into. I'm assuming that (3) above allows placing a SIP call (only)? Basically CSipSimple needs to activate the mobile dialer or its own SIP service in a way that doesn't allow the GV filter/selector to operate AGAIN.

    So Regis, did you maybe fix this already? I just want to know before I spend time learning what I need to attack the problem.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-13

    Originally posted by:

    Researching I found at that the priority should not be negative, yet it is -1 in AndroidManifest. Could this be the source of the problem? I might play with this if I get time tomorrow.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    No I didn't start this point. You can try with a non negative value for NEW_OUTGOING_CALL action but I'm not sure it will work.

    I think that there is surely something to do inside .service.OutgoingCall to prevent the next ask to the currently dialed number to be handled by csipsimple chooser.
    That's already the way it prevent looping with other sip dialers such as sipdroid one for example.
    What is possible is that GV add something to the phone number that make it different between the first call of OutgoingCall and the second one made after the GV popup.

    If you can try to debug this point it's cool. It's hard to me to create a GV account (since not available with french google accounts).

    P.S. : Really happy to see at my wake-up that there where a lot of activity :) Great job!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    OK, I'll try.

    Owner: dc3denny
    Status: Started

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    Here is what I am seeing ([r147]):

    1. Call, select "without GV"
    2. Now see CSipSimple, select "use Mobile"
    3. Now see GV selector again, select "without GV"
    4. Call is placed via Mobile

    I am not seeing an infinite loop between the two dialers. The same sequence occurs when selecting "with GV" or "without GV" in either or both steps 1 and 3, it always results in the mobile call being placed in step 4.

    If in step 2 (CSipSimple) you select one of the SIP accounts, the call is immediately placed via SIP. In this case, the behavior is already acceptable. The only design choice is which of the two selectors should appear first. My feeling is that CSipSimple should be the first to appear :-) but this may not be possible due to not having control over GV's intent priority.

    Labels: Component-UI Usability



    Commit: [r147]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    Did you try the <<set GV integration to "always use GV" (no prompt from GV)>> Use Case?

    The double ask from GV is "normal" since GV don't make the check that I implemented (and that is also done by sipdroid for example... they don't use the same way but the result is quietly the same).

    In fact, sipdroid and csipsimple catch the "tel:" intent. If the tel number is unknown, (and under other network conditions), they propose the user what to do with the call. When they propose something to the user, the intent is cleared and no other application will be notified of this ongoing intent.
    If you choose GSM, a new intent will be done. By the way, the app will be notified once again that a tel: intent is launched.
    CSipsimple will be notified of this, but as it remember that the user has just asked to use GSM for this call, it will not catch the intent and let other application to handle this intent.

    It appears that GV doesn't act the same way. They probably don't take care of this issue and use private apis.
    But unfortunately nothing can be done to solve this issue without modifying GV. Unless there is way to :
    * directly call gsm instead of publishing a new "tel:" intent
    * stop the intent propagation while asking the user what to do with this intent instead of cancelling the intent.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    OK, I will soon digest all of this, I am in the middle of instrumenting and learning how it all works now.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    Originally posted by:

    Well, after 4.5 hours, I cannot find a way to handle this. One problem is that there seems to be no way get in front of Google Voice. I wanted to have CSip's call selector to appear before Google Voice, and only if you choose Mobile, then Google Voice's selector appears. I played with several approaches, and put the priority of CSip's receiver even at 99999 and GV still gets control first, and again when you start a new cycle. I'm right back where I started :-( but I have learned a lot about how the OS manages things!!

    Now I have an even better understanding of your insight in your post starting with

    > Did you try the <<set GV integration to "always use GV" (no prompt from GV)>>

    I did try that, and there is no problem. Choosing Mobile results in a Google Voice mobile call, and choosing a CSip account results in a SIP call. Only with the "ask" option is there trouble.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-16

    Originally posted by:

    (No comment was entered for this change.)

    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-29

    Originally posted by:

    I believe it's a limitation of Android that there is no proper way to have more than one app try to intercept outgoing calls.  I've tried several such combinations of apps, and I never found a way to have them interact in a reasonable way. In particular, you never know which app is going to intercept the call first.  Having a pair of apps set to prompt doesn't yield the expected result of being prompted a second time if you answer "no" to the first prompt.

    The solution to this problem is to configure only one app to intercept outgoing calls. 

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-10

    Originally posted by:

    I can only get this to work correctly if I use GV, GV callfree (fish stix), and GSipSimple together. Place the call from gv app (not phone app), select call with GV, and CSipSimple will ring.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-13

    Originally posted by:

    Is the integration with GV ever going to be fixed. I am not able to use the APP until it is. I really like the interface but the app will not let me make SIP calls. I have tried several other apps and they work fine. Yours still needs work.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-28

    Originally posted by:

    In the settings I found an option to "Integrate Privileged Intent". The option tells you to disable the Dialer Integration option. If I do this, I get a select box like the one you get to choose which app to use to open a file rather than the CSIPSimple box asking to use SIP or Mobile for the call. I Selected "SIP" and "Always".

    Using this setup, I can make GV/Mobile calls as well as SIP calls without issue. I was getting stuck in a loop before using GV if dialer integration was enabled. Now I get the CSIPSimple prompt, and GV calls work. I tested with the GV app set both to "Prompt" and "Always" mode. Both work fine here.

    GSM Galaxy Nexus
    AOKP nightly build (JellyBean)
    CSipSimple [r1841]



    Commit: [r1841]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-06

    Originally posted by:

    I got the looping behavior too but only when I select the Mobile option. When I select SIP, there was no conflict. This started happening recently. I'm using the csipsimple build currently available on the Play store (0.04-01). I can't find the option to "Integrate Privileged Intent" mentioned by ttab... I've posted a comment on the Google Voice board, but I'm not sure if the issue fits better on the csipsimple board.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-06

    Originally posted by:

    在 2012-9-6 下午11:02, <>写道:


    When I select SIP, there was no conflict. This started happening recently.
    I'm using the csipsimple build currently available on the Play store
    (0.04-01). I can't find the option to "Integrate Privileged Intent"
    mentioned by ttab... I've posted a comment on the Google Voice board, but
    I'm not sure if the issue fits better on the csipsimple board.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-11

    Originally posted by:

    Here is the solution approach I took.

    In CSipSimple, set the integration to "Integrate privileged intent" under the User Interface options.
    In Google Voice, set the dialing preference to "Use GV to make all calls."

    Attempting to make a call in the stock dialer brings up the familiar "app selection" choice.  If you select CSipSimple, it still brings up the "SIP Call" selection dialog.  Here selecting "Use mobile" goes right through for me.  Likewise, selecting IP works great.

    Though, with this setup you will always be presented with the choice (if wifi is available at least).  I think this depends on your account settings within CSipSimple.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-20

    Originally posted by:

    yep same issue, gvoice installed, endless cycle when trying to select phone instead of sip.

    To get around had to disable integrate with android,
    and in User Interface to set "Integrate privileged intent" and make sure the above option is diasabled.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-19

    Originally posted by:

    #21 above has solved this problem for me. Wish I had found it sooner... I ended up in way too many loops using the standard integration.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-11

    Originally posted by:

    Hi, I have Xperia Go and after update to Android 4.1.2  I have problem with incoming calls. Without Csipsimple in phone everything works fine. With app in phone first 2-5sec I can麓t hear nothing. I don麓t speak about voip calls, but gsm calls :-( In 4.0.4 no problem. Phone is after hard reset. Android core 3.0.8+, 6.2.A.0.400, CSIPS 0.04-04r1916 from Gplay.
    After update to CSIPS 1.00 its better, but after first out voip call there is problem with ringing - on screen I see incomming GSM call and I can answer, but ringing sound is delayed 4sec. After phone switch off/on everything works fine, but one voip call and problem is back...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-13

    Originally posted by:

    the privileged intent option doesnt seem to be working on Nexus 5, kit kat.
    With normal dialer integration the loop as previously reported happens. With privileged intent option, it ignores csipsimple and just dials directly on google voice.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-06-13

    Originally posted by:

    I'm also having problems with the privileged intent option on 4.4.2, Atrix HD.  It just goes through regular mobile with that option on and the other option off.


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