
#452 [Android 2.3] Add interface to use new stock SIP instead of pjsip


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* Abstract the interface used for pjsip in the same than the interface available on android 2.3
* Add a glue to choose android 2.3 sip stack/pjsip stack alternatively and regarding the phone we are running on.


Tickets: #509


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Originally posted by:

    "This allows VoIP dialing without going through the third party applications" (!/features) - does it mean they have frontend too, and csipsimple and the rest of sip agents are becoming redundant?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Originally posted by:

    Yes, they have frontend (integrated with standard dialer). Although some features are missing (e.g. filters, use of mobile network for sip calls), it looks like the end of third party SIP apps.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Originally posted by:

    My understand is that there is no frontend on the stock app (unless carrier add it) :
    Internet calling

    The user can make voice calls over the internet to other users who have SIP accounts. The user can add an internet calling number (a SIP address) to any Contact and can initiate a call from Quick Contact or Dialer. To use internet calling, the user must create an account at the SIP provider of their choice — SIP accounts are not provided as part of the internet calling feature. Additionally, support for the platform's SIP and internet calling features on specific devices is determined by their manufacturers and associated carriers.


    Besides tried 2.3 on the emulator and no front end...

    So there is a need of an app to allow to configure it !!

    And besides CSipSimple is already designed to abstract the UI and the sip stack. My API interface between sip stack (for now pjsip) and UI is almost the same than the one proposed by Android.
    So CSipSimple is really the best project to have something working really soon on the top of the android SIP stack.

    It will be optional. CSipSimple will allow users to choose between pjsip or the stock android sip stack if available (2.3).
    It's amazingly exciting cause it also mean that contact API in android will be enriched with SIP entries.
    All my work was not the SIP stack (SIP stack is pjsip) but the user interface to manage SIP accounts and SIP calls !!

    And now I'm really happy with the fact I did a true split between the SIP stack and the java application :). It doesn't mean that I'll drop pjsip. Just that I'll allow users to use the CSipSimple with the stock stack (which will be probably much more optimized for android - battery consumption etc etc) but probably not with all features of pjsip.

    So my approach was already modular. And now it will take all its sense ! We can even imagine to switch the same account from pjsip to stock sip stack. (depending on codecs we want to use etc etc).

    Well a *lot* of work. But really exciting !! I hope that it will also lead people to help me on the project since it really absolutely make sense now ! And definitely if we succeed to do that, all other SIP agents will sounds really outdated compared to CSipSimple (with the availability to rely on pjsip *or* on the android stock sip stack).

    The only thing that it outdate it is the plugin approach of CSipSimple for Sip providers. (even if some will need more features than the stock sip stack). But plugin approach was almost pjsip_android + an java API on the top of it. Not the UI effort (which actually is CSipSimple).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Originally posted by:

    Well, still didn't find the "Account config" in the emulator setting !!

    Is SIP a non opensource part of Android???

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Originally posted by:

    I have no idea. I, too, don't see the relevant settings in the emulator running "stock" gingerbread image. But NexusS user manual is quite unambiguous about the matter: the user can configure SIP account (page 75) and make SIP calls (page 85) without any third party apps. Maybe it's not open source or maybe it needs to be specifically enabled when building the system image.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-20

    Originally posted by:

    Loaded Gingerbread on the HTC Desire.  Accounts can be configured under Settings -> Call Settings.  Under option Internel Call Settings, there are some basic settings to add sip accounts, and how to use the sip service. 

    I don't see any indication though if I'm actually registered successfully or not and it seems I can't call sip using the 3G network (probably on purpose)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-20

    Originally posted by:

    Will be more complicated for SipDroid's guys cause their code is not designed to separate the stack from the UI ;) ....

    I've already done some changes to have this feature landed... now I miss a phone with the SIP gingerbread feature available on it... (Cause else this feature is impossible to test on the emulator and I never do blind coding ;) ).

    As soon as I'll have something to test on it will be really quick to have this landed. The android interfaces already really look likes mine.

    I've also ported back some piece of code from the new gingerbread to csipsimple.
    However there is some part of their code that afraid me a little bit in term of battery usage !
    Other parts are really interesting (and I've already re-used these parts ;) apache license is compatible with gpl ;) ).
    But other parts make me thinking that :
    1 - the 2.3 stock stack will be far to be efficient in call (java code + only g711 & gsm codec)
    2 - the 2.3 stack may consume more battery that I thought previously (I thought that they did something that did not need of a partial wake lock of the phone while reading the code they seems to simply lock the CPU activity while registered)

    Status: Started

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-21

    Originally posted by:

    i tested an early gingerbread build on my desire and i'm a little bit disappointed. i couldn't register to my phonebox (running dtmfbox).

    i think a alternative sip-client will be fine for a long time. first, because of the limited feature-set of the system sip client. secondly, because the userbase of 2.3+ will increase slowly (esp. for older devices - see sony X10).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-21

    Originally posted by:

    I completely agree with Matthias, so I found the "Donate" link and contributed to the project. CSipSimple has a fabulous future ahead!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-21

    Originally posted by:

    Ok, well in a first time I'd say good news for me ;)

    However I keep this issue open and with a high priority in my mind :

    Reason : if I can get it working in the ways CSipSimple -> stock SIP api... it will not be too much hard to make CSipSimple *provide* the stock SIP api... and why not replace in some custom ROMs (Cyanogen if you listen ;).... ) the google implementation by a part of CSipSimple+pjsip :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-22

    Originally posted by:

    I installed Oxygen Gingerbread on my Desire, so r3gis, if you want me to test anything - I can.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-23

    Originally posted by:

    Thx egcrosser :)

    Can you confirm that it still works. (There where a quick post deleted by the writer saying it doesn't work anymore on 2.3). So if you can confirm that for you it works could be a good starting point.

    Also as I've a doubt on the UDP/TCP port bound locally by native stack, can you test that with one SIP account configured on the stock SIP stack + one other account configured on the CSipSimple stack, you don't get an error at the init of the CSipSimple stack (port already bind error for example).

    For the rest, I'll wait for my N1 to be upgraded (according tweets from google guys should land in the next weeks). As I'm used to do unitary tests while developing will be easier for me to have the gingerbread version directly on it :).

    Summary: [Android 2.3] Add interface to use new stock SIP instead of pjsip + conform stock API + audio driver pjsip for OpenSL

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-23

    Originally posted by:

    .16 dev build works fine on Oxygen 2.0 RC2.

    When "dialer integration" is enabled, it makes impossible to make mobile call. Without csipsimple, I am presented with a choice of mobile and native sip, but with csipsimple, there is a choice between csipsimple and native sip. No way to select mobile.

    At the moment, I do not have wifi connection (LEAP stopped working in 2.3) so I cannot check if the local port conflict exists. Native sip does not work over mobile network. (I ran csipsimple over hsdpa and was impressed how well it worked). Will report when I have a chance to try.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-23

    Originally posted by:

    I configured the builtin agent and csipsimple to register with different accounts (202 and 201 respectively) to the same server. It works; apparently the builtin agent uses a random high port:

    202/202   D   N      44857    Unmonitored          
    201/201   D   N      5060     Unmonitored

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-23

    Originally posted by:

    Re. dialer integration: if I enable it I actually _can_ call mobile: I am first presented by a choice between "CSipSimple" and "Dialer" (with SIP icon). If I select "CSipSimple", the next choice pops up between CSipSimple's account and "Use mobile".

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-10

    Originally posted by:

    Audio driver for OpenSL .... DONE ! :D

    First call on Nexus S sounds very.

    I'll try to make a "Gingerbread" build tonight.
    I've to find a way to make "universal" pjsip builds for gingerbread and older android versions.

    Summary: [Android 2.3] Add interface to use new stock SIP instead of pjsip

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-13

    Originally posted by:

    For owners of devices with android 2.3 :

    It uses the OpenSL driver.
    You'll probably not notice big audio difference.
    It's just :
    * more reliable (should be ;) )
    * consume less CPU (tested on nexus S from 26% to 23%)
    * remove occasional crackling due to garbage collector.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-13

    Originally posted by:

    Works on Desire/O2 2.0rc7, no problems noticed so far.
    As you are working on gingerbread version, may I remind you of the ticket #535? The original request, not the one from the comment 1. Sorry for pestering...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-14

    Originally posted by:

    Does this rely on pjsip at all? I'm running the ginger build you linked yesterday and still am hitting the STUN not responding error from bug #545, which was thought to be related to pjsip.



    Tickets: #545

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-14

    Originally posted by:

    @christop : yes still relying of CSipSimple this step is about the OpenSL ES driver, not the stock SIP application.

    The Stock SIP app is the next step of this issue ;).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-25

    Originally posted by:

    also with android 4.2.2 there is a stock sip feature .

    i tried it but sound is very choppy thus i can't use stock sip feature .

    that's why i installed Csipsimple .

    what is the advantage for csipsimple using stock sip feature ?


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