
#415 call rings but hear nothing


Originally created by:

When I was on vodaphone, i could make and receive calls. I moved to the UK and put O2 in and now, when i call someone, I can hear it ring but neither the receiver nor I can hear the other speak.

I downloaded the software about three weeks ago from the android shop and am using it on a Galaxy S.

Any solutions suggested?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-24

    Originally posted by:

    You can try to activate STUN and ICE (it may solve media network routing problems). (See the FAQ wiki page to see how to do that)

    However could also be something with O2 that simply block VoIP SIP traffic.
    I don't know the capabilities of this network, nor the things they allow you to do (technically and legally), but carriers in France for example just block this kind of traffic (technical blocking + legally prohibited).

    If they block, unfortunately, nothing can be done on the application side.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-25

    Originally posted by:

    I tried to turn on stun and ice. with ICE on, I don't notice any difference. When i turn on STUN, I don't even hear the phone ring when I dial a number anymore. Before i could hear it ring when I called someone, but could not hear them when they answered. Now I hear neither.

    Note that I've turned on STUN, but done nothing to the STUN server setting since I understand that if you leave it blank, it has a default.

    Second question: When I use it over wifi, the audio is very choppy. Can that be improved?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-25

    Originally posted by:

    For stun, the default should be the counterpath stun server, if it's blank, stun does nothing. (So you can try with counterpath stun server or ekiga's one... or better if your sip provider give a stun server, you should use it.)
    ICE without STUN activated does nothing interesting. So you should try with STUN (with a configured server) + ICE.

    For choppy sound on wifi :
    Can be due to two things :
    1- the HTC PSP bug (when screen goes off, wifi packets are not received in real time), a workaround is to activate Keep awake while in call in settings > user interface (before turn on expert settings mode in settings > (press menu key) Expert mode.
    2- low bandwith and use of a codec that consume a lot of bandwith. You should try to allow only GSM codec for example (in settings > media > codec ,long click to deactivate other codecs). Note that your sip provider must support his codec else call will simply fail. (A good codec is iLBC, low bandwidth and good quality, but sip providers doesn't support it in general).
    Maybe it can also help on 3G to use a low bandwidth codec such as GSM codec.


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