
#375 Choppy sound when multitasking


Originally created by:

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Issue or answer a call with sip over wifi
2. While call in progress, switch to home screen and launch some application, either that make or not traffic on wifi

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected still clear and continuos sound, instead when the o.s. and/or application are using the cpu sound is choppy

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
0.00-15-10, HTC Wildfire 2.1 Eclair


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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-11

    Originally posted by:

    Do you know what codec is in use when it appear?
    Some codecs consume a lot of CPU.

    I've just tested on my Nexus One and even if I launch an app that use network, voice quality is still fine.
    The other app you launch doesn't try to use audio?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-11

    Originally posted by:

    It's the PCMU, that's supposed to be less CPU intensive at price of highest data rate.

    Applications are just system applications like contact browsing or internet browser, none of those use audio.

    After detecting such issue I made another test. I ran TuneIn Radio connected via wifi to a 128kbps internet radio stream. This played always perfect (and with good quality) in any case, like terminal in complete standby or multitasking with other applications, even with internet browser. I tried such application both with 'use internal MP3' on and off.

    Good thing is that I used TuneIn for all this afternoon and for each incoming sip call TuneIn has stopped playing, restarting automatically when call terminated, showing good integration of such application and csipsimple into the o.s.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-09

    Originally posted by:

    Confirming this issue on csipsimple versions 00.13, 00.15-18, and 00.16-00 running on HTC Wildfire with CyanogenMod 6.1-RC2 (Android 2.2.1).  Whenever switching away from the call screen, audio breaks up badly, and the break-up seems worse with more foreground activity.  Tested with PCMU codec.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-10

    Originally posted by:

    Also worth to try with 8kHz as frequency (CPU usage will be less important since in this case no resampler is needed).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-11

    Originally posted by:

    With [r427], when I set up an account using the callcentric wizard, then save it, then change the wizard for the account to expert, then try to modify the settings, csipsimple FCs every time.



    Commit: [r427]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-11

    Originally posted by:

    427 also doesn't have a noticeable impact on the audio problems for me: if I switch away during the call, the audio still breaks up badly when there's any foreground activity (e.g. opening the app drawer from the home screen).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-27

    Originally posted by:

    After implementing the android 2.3 audio driver with OpenSL-ES support and reading a lot of docs from android sound "masters", I think that this problem is inherent to the *non* OpenSL-ES driver (the one that is shipped with all CSipSimple version except the gingerbread edition available on nightly build website).

    As this driver pass its audio frames to the JVM it is impacted by the JVM garbage collector process that may freeze the process. It's probably more noticeable on devices that has less RAM or are configured to do more agressive garbage collection.
    The OpenSL-ES driver is not affected by this problem. So OpenSL-ES driver will fix this issue. Problem is that you'll need android 2.3 on your device ... But that's the ~only~ solution I think. (*only Excepted the old pure native driver that use private apis and is as consequence not portable).

    Status: WontFix

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-27

    Originally posted by:

    You wrote that the OpenSL driver should fix this, but I'm using it (ginger build) and it doesn't fix it.  The problem is the same as it's always been: as soon as you switch away from the in-call screen and perform a task that uses some CPU, like simply opening/closing the app drawer, the call audio breaks up completely and then comes back when the task finishes.  I don't think this is due to GC.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-28

    Originally posted by:

    I confirm that if I try to do something while in call (e.g. lookup in addressbook or make notes), sounds becomes choppy while another program is doing something. I attribute this to other processes being given longer CPU timespans by the Linux dispatcher than there is data in the the audio buffers to (just a theory, no proof of that). This probably is "normal behavior", and could be remedied by giving the process that does sound stream processing realtime priority. I have no knowledge if this is possible or advisable to do in Android.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-28

    Originally posted by:

    Thread that manage audio stream already ask for has the correct thread priority (the one for high priority audio).
    AFAIK it is taken into account by android ... I think so cause looking at thread priority using ps seems to be good...
    However Dalvik JVM behaves strangely sometimes.

    It could be interesting to monitor CPU while doing something else. If it reach the 100% of load, I guess you're probably right, that's not something with GC but something with CPU.

    If you have android 2.3 could be interesting to compare with the perf of the stock SIP application when multitasking.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-28

    Originally posted by:

    I've just installed 2.3.3; I'll do some experimenting one of these days if I have a chance, and report.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-04

    Originally posted by:

    OK, both latest trunk #682 and latest ginger #675 give choppy sound when I try to browse while talking. Native SIP app's sound is clean!

    How do you check the CPU usage? Neither top nor uptime shows total CPU consumption or load average.

    Anyway, no process in 'top' shows more than 0% CPU, and there are no messages from the dalvik garbage collector in the log that would coincide with the choppy sound.

    [Regis, do you want to reopen this issue? Now it does not show up as "starred by me" display]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-04

    Originally posted by:

    (No comment was entered for this change.)

    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-23

    Originally posted by:

    I'm experiencing the same issue using the Gingerbread edition on an HTC desire CM7.

    even scrolling down a list produces choppy sound. codec is g729.

    Using Skype the behavior is different, the sound stays crystal clear and the scrolling gets choppy.

    Is this an issue of CPU priority ? I wish Csipsimple can be like Skype (on this issue (: )     

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-15

    Originally posted by:

    Well, after a lot of research on this issue, I found something really interesting.

    CSipSimple was setting thread priority using the native standard posix thread API. The native standard way. But after a closer look on android source code, it seems that android does not only use this to decide whether a thread is important or not.
    The android scheduler (actually the linux one + some stuff from android), also manage thread groups. And when I was changing the thread priority the group of the thread was left unchanged.

    As consequence the thread was set with a very high priority but not in a good group. I guess that on some device it had a big impact and on other device where the thread grouping impact less the way the scheduler manage it, it had a lower impact.

    So, I did the change in the [r859] for the trunk nightly to use the java API instead of the native API (the java API should do every things hidden by the android OS, included the group change).

    If some can test it and let me know how it goes :



    Commit: [r859]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-15

    Originally posted by:

    [r860]/ginger on HTC Desire / Oxygen 2.1.1 (Android 2.3.4) - no more choppy sound!



    Commit: [r860]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-16

    Originally posted by:

    Just to be sure, by ginger, you mean the [r860] trunk running the android OS gingerbread, isn't it? (cause the fix is yet not applied to the ginger edition of CSipSimple that use the openSL driver). I have to do so :)

    Excellent news. It would mean that previous performance of pjsip audio were done without the good thread priority ;).

    Status: NextRelease



    Commit: [r860]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-16

    Originally posted by:

    Sorry for the confusion. That was ginger branch, and I did not check thoroughly enough. After rechecking, the choppy sound did *not* disappear. I've installed [r680]/trunk now, and the sound is still choppy in it too.



    Commit: [r680]

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-20

    Originally posted by:

    I don't know if this is relevant, just noticed in the log:

    W/PackageManager(  124): Not granting permission android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED to package com.csipsimple (protectionLevel=3 flags=0x83e46)
    W/PackageManager(  124): Unknown permission android.permission.RAISED_THREAD_PRIORITY in package com.csipsimple

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-20

    Originally posted by:

    The RAISED_THREAD_PRIORITY permission is something I tried times ago and that is maybe not anymore required. I guess that was valid as a private API of older android versions.

    CALL_PRIVILEDGED is only for specific cases and that's not hurting to not get this priviledge.
    So that's expected warning ;).

    I think I've still a lot of things to learn on android thread priorities, it's much more complex that what I thought. So I'll continue my learning on this point and try to apply what I find to the app :).

    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-26

    Originally posted by:

    Just tried to reproduce with [r1146] (non-ginger) and the sound is smooth, no chopping when I run other activities. Android 2.3.7 (Oxygen 2.3.2).



    Commit: [r1146]

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