Anonymous - 2010-11-08

Originally posted by:

I hope the upgrade from sony will help...
It's duplicate of issue 89 and I was postponing this issue long time ago since Sony Announced it's 2.1 release.... long long time ago... but yet no upgrade (nor here in france on the X10 ).

So I really hope they fix their audio driver in 2.1... would be a shame if not after the delay they took to release this upgrade...

Keep me in touch on the thread of issue 89 if you see some improvement when the upgrade will come. I'll have a look on the phone of a collegue (a X10) here as soon as the upgrade will be available too.

If it doesn't help I'll try to find a workaround.
My problem is different from fring and sipdroid, since I do everything on the native part - and not the java part- which is more efficient ... but too quick for x10 1.6 driver implementation....

Mergedinto: 89
Status: Duplicate



Tickets: #89