
#181 Proximity sensor doesn't works on Motorola xt701


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Since you guys have done such an AMAZING job helping me get pbxes working, i have decided to reward you with another issue :-P

Whenever I am using the app, and put the phone to my face, the touchscreen is still active.  This can cause any number of random effects, such as opening other apps, hanging up, and so on.

My phone has a front face sensor built into it that turns off the screen and touchscreen input when I am using the normal dialer.  Can you guys look into this issue and make it so that the touchscreen is disabled during calls?  Phone is Moto xt701 running android 2.1 update-1


PS, I have adopted you as my SIP App developers, if you need beta testing support, I would be happy to offer you whatever help I can.  I am also able to help some with the documentation when I have extra time, make sure you look at my last (and final) remark on my other issue.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-30

    Originally posted by:

    Ok interesting.

    I've already implemented something with proximity sensor, but was a little bit naive and as for now works probably only with nexus one.

    I have to see a little bit more in documentation to clean things.

    I'll keep you in touch when something will be available to test on.

    Summary: Proximity sensor doesn't works on Motorola xt701
    Owner: r3gis.3R
    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-30

    Originally posted by:

    I can test any fixes on this device.  This might also make it work with any other devices that use the same hardware...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-31

    Originally posted by:

    New build -12-26 has a potential fix for this issue.
    I reused code from the android source code (the one that aim to turn off screen when proximity sensor is detected).
    That's not the way adopted by most opensource implementation of proximity sensor (they are all based on a value that is undocumented... I think one found it by experience and all copied the same - as I did for my nexus one). Let me know if my implementation works for you.
    Just as reminder, correct behavior is *not* to turn off screen (it requires the use of a private API so I postponed that) but to display an "overlay" with a locker displayed that prevent from unwanted action with face.
    Screen on/off is managed by the standard android powermanager then.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-31

    Originally posted by:

    sensor works with galaxy I9000, not only with nexus one. I will then test the -12-26 build, to see if something changed.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-31

    Originally posted by:

    Yes you're right, thanks.
    Indeed, it should be regressed on all devices with a proximity sensor.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-31

    Originally posted by:

    I'll test this shortly and let you know how it goes.  I made one call but didn't test it properly (covering the sensor and trying to input stuff)...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-31

    Originally posted by:

    Works fine, confirmed by covering the sensors with my thumb and mashing the different areas of the screen.  I will reward you again with another bug once I get the hang of recording a log...  This is closed on my end, with a note that if you find time to implement a screen shut off feature, it will be perfect.

    Once again thanks!  Amazing!  I'm e-mailing you guys beer once the physicists at CERN figure that out!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-01

    Originally posted by:

    Good news.
    Hopefully other devices has not changed the android implementation of the powermanager and has just ensure test passes with their device so my fix is probably good since based on the same implementation than the one of android core system.

    If somebody find a regression on another device, just cry ;).

    Status: NextRelease

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-20

    Originally posted by:

    In 0.00.12-35 > proximity sensor now turn off screen if possible (device support it).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-21

    Originally posted by:

    Wow, thanks!  You guys have saved me tons of cash on t-mobile minutes, I'll donate something as soon as I can!


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