
#1736 Multiple issues on stock (rooted) Vodafone 945 (ZTE Joe) + CsipSimple 0.04-00 r1505


Originally created by:


I have a (rooted) Vodafone 945 aka ZTE Joe:
    FW: 2.1-update1;
    Baseband Version: P727AB01;
    Kernel 2.6.29 zte-kernel@zdropd-SMT)
    Build Number VF945-MSM7227-V02c-Sep032010-Vodafone-PT1


CsipSimple 0.04-00 [r1505]


CsipSimple connects correctly to the Zon Phone sip gateway

Issue 1:
Phone speaker (the one on the back part) is allways on while I am trying to make a SIP call. I don't listen any sound, just static noise. But I do listen sounds when I write the number to call on the soft dial pad.

Issue 2:
I can not listen anythin (ring tone signal nor voice if the other person accepts the call) on the ear speaker.

Issue 3:
When I try to make a call through the SIP gateway, after I disconnect the cal (accepted or not), I allways get a 408 timeout error.

Issue 4:
Inbound calls (from outside to my phone number) do not ring on my CsipSimple client

Let me know if any other details are needed.
PCManiac :)


Commit: [r1505]
Tickets: #1
Tickets: #2
Tickets: #3
Tickets: #4
Tickets: #669


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-15

    Originally posted by:

    For audio routing (your first and second point), did you try :

    For problem 3, it could be something with topology. Subsequent request maybe lost depending on the configuration. Could you try to collect logs (see HowToCollectLogs wiki page, and add the number of this issue in the email :) ).

    About point 4, that's weird. Maybe logs could help, but I think that if it doesn't ring it's because the app doesn't receive packets invite.
    Maybe it's not registered properly. Have you a way to monitor your status on Zon network? Zon support took a lot of time to debug and is now supported thanks to kind users testing it and wiresharking. But you have to know that Zon seems to do everything they can to prevent regular sip clients to register their network and interoperate with their sip network. So I don't exclude something is broken on the pre-configuration wizard for point 3 and 4.

    Point 1 and 2, sounds more device issues, ZTE as samsung has their own interpretation of android audio api and they often need audio hacks to be activated.

    Status: Need-Details

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-15

    Originally posted by:

    Another issue am noticing now that I am trying the audio settings is that, most of the times the program does a call to the correct number. but from time to time, it adds an 747 in front of the number.

    My Number: 95xxxxxxx
    Tries to call: 74795xxxxxxx

    I foind that issue by going to the program call log, pressing over my number and selecting to "call trough sip" and noticed it was calling the wrong number.

    " But you have to know that Zon seems to do everything they can to prevent regular sip clients to register their network and interoperate with their sip network."
    Unfortunately, PT carriers do spend more time breaking the things for the rest of the world (so it only works with their crapware) instead of spending that time making their users happier.

    I'll carry on with the testings, and thanks beforehand for showing you are willing to help :D

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-15

    Originally posted by:

    I have sent 2 logs by email.

    As I finished all the sound (1 by one only) tests, the max I could get was at some settings (when I used "Use Routing API." and "Change Audio Mode for SIP calls") I could get some weird sound from the back speaker that looked like a "in call sound".
    Like I said, it was only 1 setting activated a time. Any suggestion in what settings to start mixing instead of just trying some random tests?

    Still about the logs, if am not mistaken, on the second one you will get what I was speaking about calling the 747<blablabla> number.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-17

    Originally posted by:

    Just letting you know that the Back speaker issue got resolved by activating both "Use routing API" and "Use Mode audio API". I now listen the calling signal on the ear speaker (even the soft button that turns on and off the back speaker works). I just need to test if I listen anything after some one answers.

    I'll be waiting for that debug version to send you the ZTE logs to test the rest (that other email acc is mine too).


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