
#164 Basic wizards should setup the sip proxy parameter


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Version 0.00-12.22
Nexus One on both side running Froyo
Only one Nexus One is listening to the music via bluetooth earpieces

Problem #1 :
When bluetooth is enabled, Nexus One may reset automatically sometimes when using some apps.

Problem #2 :
When bluetooth is enabled and listening to Android built-in music player, the incoming SIP call may cause Nexus One hang.  Nexus One is on 3G network.  Power off is required to make it function again.

Problem #3 :
Nexus One call to Nexus One over 3G, volume in both sides is quite low compares with the standard PSTN or GSM calls.

Problem #4 :
When calling to other IP phones over 3G (may be over wifi also), the other side will hang up automatically without picking up the connection.  I found that the sender record on the receiver log is logged something like myname@ instead of myname@mydomain.

Problem #5 :
I should uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.  Otherwise, Nexus One may reset automatically often.

Problem #6 :
When the old version is uninstalled, the settings or accounts will gone.  It is required to set them up all.


Tickets: #163


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    Further to Problem #4 :
    This problem happens when calling some IP phones.  It happens only on certain providers or settings, I think.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    Problem 1 : also noticed this one, but I think that it is a problem with nexus one and not my app.

    Problem 2 : ok, I've never tried with Bluetooth + Music. Well BT feature is still pre-alpha feature. I should have not implement it in this version but regarding cries from users... I did something... but that's not really fully supported yet.

    Problem 3 : there is boost options in media config. For now these option are not automatically set according to the device but will be done based on user feedback according to the device

    Problem 4 : we should debug this one. Maybe worth to try to set the sip proxy field to the same thing that what is in the registrar field. To do so, go in your basic account press the menu key and choose "choose wizard" or something like that and select expert wizard. Then re-edit account, you'll see that you have now a complex wizard. Go on the registrar uri field and copy the value (long clic on the dialog box field > copy) then click cancel, go on the bottom and edit the sip proxy field and paste.
    In fact when sip proxy is not set sip calls are directly emitted by the client without using the sip registrar as proxy. I'm wondering if basic and advanced account should not automatically set this value with the registrar value. Let me know if it helps, if so, I'll modify the basic wizard to fill automatically the sip proxy field.

    Problem 5 : if you were using the version from the market, that's absolutely normal. Distribution of the native library is absolutely different between the market version and the bundles on googlecode. There is really good reason for that (market version download the latest lib at first run and that will allow to distribute several version of the native lib with different codecs inside). But the bad effect is that two versions are not compatible at all.

    Problem 6 : Indeed... if you uninstall the app you lost the params. Don't blame me for that blame android... (but that's not extravagant behavior... on ubuntu if you completely remove an app, you'll lost config files).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    For Problem #1, oh!

    For Problem #2, noticed.  May be I can help for the tests.

    For Problem #3, the boost option is "Micro amplification" and "Speaker amplification" or "Media quality"?

    For Problem #4, it is solved by using Expert wizard and added a proxy server.  The other side does not hang up automatically.  It can be connected and answered.  Thanks for your tips.  May be it is required to set the proxy server at the Basic wizard.

    For Problem #5, just for your information only.

    For Problem #6, will it be possible to save the accounts or settings at the microSD card and the users will be asked if s/he want to delete the saved data when uninstall the CSipSimple?

    Anyway, you did a great job and CSipSimple is great too!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    For pb #3 : "Micro amplification" and "Speaker amplification" (media quality change the way the audio packets are processed by the media stack (ie packet loss cancellation etc) )

    For pb #4 : Great ! I'll do the change for basic wizard and other wizard to automatically use the registrar as sip proxy. (Should have been done before, but I was not sure what to do by default).

    For pb #5 : yes that's a nice feature idea. Was already proposed. For now not a priority but could be nice (at least to backup conf / restore conf : I don't think that I can hook when the app is uninstalled... it would be a big security hole in the android system).

    Issue rename for pb #4 -> Basic wizards should setup the sip proxy parameter.

    Summary: Basic wizards should setup the sip proxy parameter
    Owner: r3gis.3R
    Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-High
    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    For Problem #3, if volume is quite low at the other side, should I increase both of "Micro amplification" and "Speaker amplification"?  Or, just increase the value at "Micro amplification" only?

    For Problem #6, may I know what kind of security problem to the Android for this feature?  I am very concern with internet/computer security indeed.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    For pb #3 if you are using -12-22-custo, the issue is quietly normal, that's a consequence of the custo.
    If your are using -12-22 that's not normal at all on a nexus one I had this issue previously I'll check again but give me time to test it a little bit more.

    In the absolute, if the other side volume is low, you should increase micro amplification.

    For pb 6 (sorry I wrote 5 in previous post but you correctly rightly it's 6) :
    if an app can hook it's uninstall it can make its uninstall crash and forbid the user for uninstalling itself. Could be really annoying since the user has no other way to uninstall the app (unless he has the android sdk ... but probably not the case of all users). In android install/uninstall process are wrapped in a core and secure app since we must ensure the user agree the permission given to the app and the user must always be able to uninstall safely an app.
    However, backup/restoring is still technically possible but will requires an action from the user. (Or we can imagine an auto-save when conf is changed... but well become a little bit too complicated all the more so as, when the app will become stable, uninstall will be less necessary)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    For problem #1, I noticed that the problem happens when bluebooth is enabled.  I am not sure which apps caused the problem with CSipSimple with bluetooth enabled.

    For problem #6, I agreed with you that when CSipSimple is stable, the backup feature may not required.  However, I think that it would be great if CSipSimple has this feature.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-27

    Originally posted by:

    pb #1 : see my last comment on issue 51.

    pb #6 : done in -12-24

    Status: Fixed



    Tickets: #51

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