
#156 Registering to SIP server loop endlessly


Originally created by:
Originally owned by:

CSipSimple_0.00-12-21, android 2.2 build FRF91

Registered to
Registered again

This process keep looping endlessly.

I can see that on my 3G, there is data flow going on.

Is there a problem with the latest version?

csipsimple is great as it support iLBC which is very important for it to work over 3G network.

Thanks for the great work.


Tickets: #166


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-23

    Originally posted by:

    I need more information about :
    * Your csipsimple configuration on the network part : are 3G, GPRS & EDGE checked for incoming calls?
    * What do you mean by looping? If you are configured to receive call, CSipSimple will automatically renew registration to server (and also it will send packets to keep the connection alive) in order to allow you to receive calls. So in a certain way, registration loops are totally wanted and needed (if you set up csipsimple to receive calls).
    If by loops you want to say that the notification icon disappear and reappear a lot of times, I would be really interested if you can provide me logs. (Settings > UI > Log level to 4 and use an logcat application such as alogcat to collect logs and send it to me).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-23

    Originally posted by:


    All the 3G, GPRS & EDGE checked for incoming calls.

    Attach is the catlog.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-23

    Originally posted by:

    Thx a lot.
    Logs deleted to protect your privacy, but I've dowloaded it.

    Sounds something on your phone restart the 3G connection periodically. Is there an application installed on your phone that change 3G/2G or APN settings or any use of VPN ?
    I assume it is a nexus one (with the same build number than mine - but unfortunately I can't test 3G since my carrier doesn't allow me to use voip over 3G).

    Just for reference the relevant part of the logs (this are logs from the phone and not csipsimple).
    D/MobileDataStateTracker(   81): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for dun
    D/MobileDataStateTracker(   81): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for hipri
    D/MobileDataStateTracker(   81): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for supl
    D/MobileDataStateTracker(   81): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for mms
    D/MobileDataStateTracker(   81): default Received state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= *
    D/NetworkLocationProvider(   81): onDataConnectionStateChanged 3

    Btw, there is something that I can try to prevent this kind of looping (unless what I see in logs correspond to a IP address change). I'll implement it and provide you a new version to test.

    Owner: r3gis.3R
    Status: Accepted

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-23

    Originally posted by:

    There is no application that change my 3G/2G connection. None on APN too. I did not uses any VPN. Yes. I'm using the nexus one. I tried to call my voip number, it does ring and I can pick up the call. Quality was excellent using the iLBC.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-24

    Originally posted by:

    Version 0.00.12-22
    Nexus One with Froyo

    Registered and Not Registered automatically often when 3G is connected.  However, it does not affect to dial out.  Wifi has no such problem.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-25

    Originally posted by:

    (No comment was entered for this change.)

    Status: NextRelease


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