
#151 No voice with 3G connection + ekiga


Originally created by:

CSipSimple Version : 0.00-12-19

Two Nexus One (running Froyo)
Ubuntu 10.04 (running Ekiga)
TP-Link router (running DD-WRT firmware)
SIP provider is (free account for all devices)

Setting on CSipSimple
ICE and STUN are enabled.

Known Issues on CSipSimple 0.00-12-19
(1) "Always available" cannot be set at "Easy Configuration".  It always change to "Available on wifi".

(2) Nexus One to Nexus One over wifi success.  However, there is no sound on both devices after connection over 3G.

(3) Nexus One to Ubuntu (Ekiga) over 3G (3G on both devices) has no sound.


Tickets: #1338


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-21

    Originally posted by:

    As for number 1 : Difference between Always available and Available on wifi is the fact that wifi is lock or not. If you change the lock wifi value in Network setting, you'll observe that Always available will become Available on wifi. Settings in easy configuration are just shortcut for other settings.

    For number 2 : there is already an open issue related to this one. Besides, you must check that you allow outgoing calls over 3G in settings (either in the easy configuration view or in the network view).

    For number 3 : are you sure your gsm provider allow you to use voip over 3G? (In France for example there is filters that block all sip network traffic - and not just related to port).

    For all this issues was it reproducible with the 0.00-12 available on the market? And have you any success using another voip application available on android? (Linphone, Sipdroid?)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-21

    Originally posted by:

    For issue #3, I conducted several tests :

    Equipment :
    Nexus One with 3G
    Ubuntu with 3G and Ekiga
    SIP provider is

    Test #1 :
    Echo test of Ekiga on Ubuntu with 3G success.  I think that my 3G provider supports SIP protocol.

    Test #2 :
    Nexus One changed to SipDroid and dial to Ubuntu over 3G.  The result is no sound.

    Test #3 :
    Nexus One changed to SipDroid and conduct Echo test to Ekiga with the result of no sound.

    Test #4 :
    Nexus One use CSipSimple and conduct Echo test to Ekiga with the result of no sound.

    I think that there may be 3G problem on both CSipSimple and SipDroid or on Android 2.2.



    Tickets: #3

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-21

    Originally posted by:

    It is possible that while in 3G in need a stun server. What is the stun server you configured in CSipSimple? Are you sure it is reacheable from your 3G access? Maybe worth to test with the same stun server than ekiga : (for now csipsimple only support one stun server)
    (oh I'm just thinking about that : checking the stun server box doesn't mean you have stun activated, you must also fill a valid server in the stun server field).

    You can also uncheck ICE because I don't think that ekiga support ice and if they succeed using stun csipsimple should also.

    Summary: No voice with 3G connection

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-21

    Originally posted by:

    I set the STUN server as "".

    I also test for with or without checking "ICE" and the result is the same, no sound.  Do you have any STUN server for me to test?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-22

    Originally posted by:

    The current verison 0.00-12-20 has no voice on account on both sides over 3G.

    However, 0.00-12-20 works perfectly on Asterisk.

    I think that CSipSimple does not work on account on both sides over 3G.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-22

    Originally posted by:

    There is probably something special done by ekiga on ubuntu over 3G to succeed. Hope this is not IAX else nothing will be possible to fix it quickly in CSipSimple (for now only SIP support is planned).
    What can help me is reverse engineering what is done on you ubuntu+ekiga using 3g. As my 3G carrier doesn't support SIP and besides I have no modem dongle, I'm not able to produce tests myself. Would be nice if you can try to produce traces for me :

    As it is a linux distro here how to get network traces :
    0 - open a terminal
    1 - if not already done, install tcpdump : sudo apt-get install tcpdump
    2 - find the interface name : list interfaces using ifconfig and find the one with the IP address.
    3 - run tcpdump -i "name-of-the-interface-found-in-2" -s 1500 -w ekigatraces.pcap.
    4 - send me (better by mail r3gis.3r at gmail dot com - in order to not diffuse private infos on the web) the ekigatraces.pcap (available in the directory where the command line was executed, should be home dir)

    Summary: No voice with 3G connection + ekiga

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-27

    Originally posted by:

    Hi guys!
    my configuration works in sipdroid but I continue to test isipsimple. I'm also receiving no sound on 3g with TCP protocol. Udp over WiFi works fine.
    I'm using voxalot server to connect on port 2060 as standard isn't working with my cellar network (vodafone cz).
    I use standard codec order. In expert mode I set port in proxy and choose "use TCP instead of udp " (the way it works with sipdroid ).  Try to use udp doesn't help either.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-27

    Originally posted by:

    @xnova : did you try to activate STUN?
    See :

    Also, ensure sipdroid is not running when using csipsimple to be sure there is no conflicts on listening ports.

    P.S. : it's csipsimple not isipsimple ;) ... isipsimple is a proprietary software for this awful proprietary platform that put users in a golden jail ;)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-27

    Originally posted by:

    And for ekiga, I think that :
    first tests from runnersam failed cause ekiga stun server was not supported previously by pjsip sip stack (now that's ok, they did change in the stack so that should be really better) :D
    And the last point for ekiga, and for an unknown (almost unknown..) reason the 500 echo test doesn't work with other sip client than ekiga... but using sip:* (which is actually the same echo test but using another way to access it work as expected).

    I mark that as fixed for ekiga since should be fixed with the STUN fix done by pjsip guys.
    @xnova : if you still have the voice problem when stun is activated, please open a new issue (if you could send me logs could be cool too ;) ).

    Status: Fixed


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