
#1153 ZRTP key continuity feature in CSipSimple?


Originally created by:

ZRTP description states that:

...For usability purpose, the SAS can be verified only once, then each party can mark the other as “trusted”. In this way the parties do not have to verify the SAS in every call. This great feature is provided by the key continuity feature of ZRTP...

Are there any chances to implement this functionality in CSipSimple as it is VERY important?

It is not difficult to confirm SAS every time if you make encrypted calls time to time.

But suppose you have a workgroup and use SIP for your regular communications on daily basis making 30-50 calls a day?..

People need to concentrate on their business tasks, not clicking of buttons. After very short time they start ignoring that annoying SAS verification thus making all your security efforts useless.

due to similar social factors I fully agree with @jtaylor comment #50 in issue 262 ( that we need an option to disallow and drop a call if ZRTP session could not be successfully established. Or just generate annoying sound tone until ZRTP session is established.

Otherwise this is a kind of Russian Roulette when you never can be shure if all of your employees calls are being encrypted. Sure, people should check for the SAS message every time but imagine making lots of calls every day. Often happens that even if both sides have SIP clients with ZRTP enabled ZRTP session fails due to networking issues (especially on 3G). But the call is already established so people just start talking despite any messages being displayed or not.


Tickets: #262


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-15

    Originally posted by:

    Yes, I'm currently doing that.
    I'm currently integrating the application the new (clean) way as introduced recently thanks to the new pjsip callback.

    I'm also trying to fix something more annoying about the fact the second call crash now with this new method... just leave me time :) (and do not hesitate to contribute ;) source code ).

    Also, issue 262 is still open... it means that zrtp is not yet fully implemented, you can follow your questions, remark on issue 262 thread.

    More users have stared this issue and for example werner will be able to reply (while he do not track each new issue of csipsimple project ;) ).

    Mergedinto: 262
    Status: Duplicate



    Tickets: #262

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-17

    Originally posted by:

    Just my 2 Euro cents (as long as they are worth something :-) )

    Other clients, for example Twinkle (outdated, no maintenance anymore) and Jitsi
    (former SIP Communicator) implement several ways to support users to detect success
    or failure during ZRTP:

    On success:
    - play a short "Acknowledge sound" as soon as key exchange is OK and SRTP was
      established. Thus a user don't need to check the display. If the sound was not
      played 2-3s after the call was established - then check the display.
      Both sounds are available as wav files in the Jitsi project and are not
      copyright protected :-) .

    - Obviously a nice informative SAS field and a verify check box (as requested above)

    On problems/failure:
    - play a nasty sound, simliar to a ploice car sirene to warn the user that ZRTP
      detected something odd. In that case the user shall check the display and the GUI
      implementation shall display the error/warning message.

    The ZRTP implementation uses callback to inform the GUI about these states and the
    GUI may display/act accordingly and may trigger playing sounds. The GUI may have
    an option to close the call if ZRTP reports an error.

    Maybe you can check this info that I wrote for the Jitsi project:


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