I have changed the license from GPL to Apache V2.0 for more flexibility. There is no new release as there were no code changes. If you want the new source with the new license, please use CVS to obtain the new files.
Release 1.0 has been released in it's first version. It has been marked 1.0 since the desired functionality for initial release is now complete. There are some additional things that are planned for this release (see release notes) that will be done shortly, but the major functionality is present.
Coming next: a new web site instead of just the API documentation used as the web site
The home page is now up. Its contents are simply the latest API documentation (generated by NDoc) with an overview page that helps document how to use the library. A new home page will be built in the future with more instructions, as time permits.
The first release has be posted. Note:This is a limited-tested library. The Attribute-Class method of defining options has been tested the most.