Activity for CSC440_Beagle

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r499]

    Updated Formal_Parameter_Declarations and Forma...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r498]

    removed the warnings

  • Justin Wiles Justin Wiles committed [r497]

    Updated Intermediate Code

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r496]


  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r495]

    Added the intermediate code for Args, Arg_List,...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r494]

    Updated my intermediate code for Unary_Rel_Expr...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r493]

    Updated my intermediate code for Rel_Expression...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r492]

    Updated the intermediate code for Bool_Factor. ...

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r491]

    updated intermediate code for method_decl, bloc...

  • Matthew Kujawski Matthew Kujawski committed [r490]

    Update the intermediate code for mulop, addop, ...

  • Matthew Kujawski Matthew Kujawski committed [r489]

  • Matthew Kujawski Matthew Kujawski committed [r488]

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r487]

    Updated All tests.

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r486]

    Coded the processing for formal parameters and ...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r485]

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r484]

    Updated Formal_Parameters to go along with the ...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r483]

  • Ben Delaney Ben Delaney committed [r482]

    Updated intermediate code for Class_Body_Declar...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r481]

    Updated bool_expression tests

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r480]

    Modified bool_expression process method to refl...

  • Dudley Girard Dudley Girard committed [r479]

    Updated Justin's and Matt's tests where could s...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r478]

    Updated the Intermediate code generation in Fac...

  • Dudley Girard Dudley Girard committed [r477]

    Get new SymbolTable loaded in.

  • Dudley Girard Dudley Girard committed [r476]

    Added in the new functionality for the Symbol T...

  • Dudley Girard Dudley Girard committed [r475]

    Completed near full test coverage of TestParser...

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r474]

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r473]

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r472]

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r471]

    updated failing tests

  • Ben Delaney Ben Delaney committed [r470]

    Fixed Error in TestParserNonTerminalTokens rela...

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r469]

    Fixed some of the errors that caused the testPa...

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r468]

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r467]

  • Dudley Girard Dudley Girard committed [r466]

    Testing SVN on Sourceforge

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r465]

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r464]

  • Chace Burke Chace Burke committed [r463]

  • Justin Wiles Justin Wiles committed [r462]

    Fixed Array_Initializer to reflect the Intermed...

  • Justin Wiles Justin Wiles committed [r461]

    Updated comments to properly credit code snippet.

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r460]

    Block process updated.

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r459]

    Block_statement tests updated.

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r458]

    Tested Or_Expression process method. Removed un...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r457]

    Bool_Expression process method tested.

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r456]

    Refactored Par_Expression constructor and fixed...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r455]

    Removed duplicate variables and methods in Fact...

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r454]

    Refactored AF tests by writing less lines of code.

  • Justin Wiles Justin Wiles committed [r453]

    General cleanup of code.

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r452]

    Refactored the AF tests and removed unused impo...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r451]

    modified the process method to process the init...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r450]

    removed warnings

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r449]

    Fixed most of the AF tests.

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r448]

    More trying to figure out how to retrieve all t...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r447]

    Fixed my tests

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r446]

    Fixed my tests

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r445]

    Fixed misspelling in RuleGeneratorFactory

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r444]

    Fixed casting error.

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r443]

    Got all tests passing.

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r442]

    Removed references to val and id in Or_Expressi...

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r441]

    Fixed Tests for AR States

  • Matthew Kujawski Matthew Kujawski committed [r440]

    Finished up the intermediate code gen with comm...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r439]

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r438]

    All CF state tests are green. I've identified s...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r437]

    Got all my broken tests green.

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r436]

    Updated the tests for Formal_Parameters and For...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r435]

    Fixed constructors and abstracted some. Complet...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r434]

    Bool_Expression now has to take an Or_Expressio...

  • Justin Wiles Justin Wiles committed [r433]

    Added code for process.

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r432]

    Last minute changes to method_decl tests.

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r431]

    Added intermediate code for Formal_Parameter_De...

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r430]

    Added intermediate code for args, args_list, an...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r429]

    Added a bunch of code. Par_expression should wo...

  • le7204 le7204 committed [r428]

    added some strings to Intermediate and updated ...

  • Ben Delaney Ben Delaney committed [r427]

    Added intermediate code processing and added mi...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r426]

    Removed some warnings. There are still errors,...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r425]

    Added process method for Bool_Factor and update...

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r424]

    Added process method and tests for Block_Statem...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r423]

    Fixed Unary_Rel_Expression's process method.

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r422]

    Added process method to Rel_Expression and upda...

  • Ben Delaney Ben Delaney committed [r421]

    Changed Class_Body_Declaration, Rel_Op, and Acc...

  • jonivey jonivey committed [r420]

    Added process method for Unary_Rel_Expression a...

  • Alex Rauch Alex Rauch committed [r419]

    Fixed tests for Arg_list and simple_factor

  • Cfox Cfox committed [r418]

    Some work on Process methods for block, block_s...

  • Matthew Kujawski Matthew Kujawski committed [r417]

    My itermediate code, however it is far from fin...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r416]

    Updated the Unary_Expression's process() method...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r415]

    Added comments and empty process methods with T...

  • Bryson Bryson committed [r414]

    Removed the last of the process<Token>() method...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r413]

    Fixed some code in Factor's process method.

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r412]

    In Factor, updated code for processing on a Lit...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r411]

    Added LOAD and STORE constants in IntermediateS...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r410]

    Updated code in Var's process() method.

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r409]

    Wrote code for TestLE11 and TestLE13 so that th...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r408]

    Fixed a Javadoc comment in Literal.

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r407]

    Fixed a test in TestCodeManager. Updated the pr...

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r406]

    Made tests pass for AF9 and AF12.

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r405]

    IntermediateStatement now stores the values pas...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r404]

    Removed a TODO in Symbol because the TODO was c...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r403]

    Cleaned up some code in CM2 and CM3.

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r402]

    Added the peekUniqueLabelMarker() method to Cod...

  • Aaron Frazer Aaron Frazer committed [r401]

    Removed TestAF0 and TestAF8 because they no lon...

  • CJ McGuire CJ McGuire committed [r400]

    Changed Token's process() method to return a bo...

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