
CS-Project / News: Recent posts

CS-Project Gits Going

What's going on with CS-Project? It looks like it's been stagnant, right? No news, no releases...

In truth, there has actually been quite a bit happening. It has been slow, but CS-Project is getting better. All of the work has been sitting in Subversion, and more recently on GitHub.

Why? Well, I've been trying to get more exposure and, through that, hopefully some developers willing to contribute. It's been a one-man show for far too long.... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2012-06-27

Development on Version 2.0

For those interested, work on version 2.0 of CS-Project has been underway for some time now, though somewhat slowly. This is just an update so everyone knows this project hasn't been abandoned.

A lot of the underlying libraries, such as CS-Content, CS-PHPXML, and CS-WebAppLibs, are all getting some much-needed updates. A critical library within CS-WebAppLibs, an automatic upgrade lib (derived & improved upon from that in CS-Project) has seen some pretty significant improvements.... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2011-12-05

CS-Project Version 1.1.5 Released

This release fixes a critical bug, a few minor bugs, and implements newer versions of some underlying libraries. The change log has been reproduced below:::

Several bug fixes and updates, see below.


* Add ancestry link list to issue title (issue #146), plus remove wrapping from
send_single_email() so wrapping isn't terrible.

* Fixed critical bug in mainRecord{} (issue #165)... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2008-07-16

CS-Project Gets Virtual "Juice"

A VMware virtual appliance for CS-Project has just been uploaded! The appliance runs Ubuntu JeOS (pronounced "Juice"), with the most recent stable version of CS-Project, and is configured for automatic updates via Subversion. This appliance ensures a unified experience across all platforms from Microsoft Windows to nearly any version of Linux.

While the appliance is still officially in development, it is available through Subversion at []. Feel free to download the appliance and try for yourself! For information about usage and unzipping requirements, please view the README.txt file.

Posted by Dan Falconer 2008-03-26

CS-Project Version 1.1 (Final) Released

PostgreSQL + PHP driven project management website. All projects can have notes, todo's, and associated helpdesk issues. Supports separation of projects into teams/groups. Extensive logging system for historical recording of events. Based on PHProjekt.

The FINAL RELEASE for CS-Project version 1.1 has been released to the public. Many bugs have been fixed and new features have been added to the system:... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2007-12-27

CS-Project Version 1.1 (RC1) Released

PostgreSQL + PHP driven project management website. All projects can have notes, todo's, and associated helpdesk issues. Supports separation of projects into teams/groups. Extensive logging system for historical recording of events. Based on PHProjekt.

The first RELEASE CANDIDATE for CS-Project v1.1 has been released to the public. Many bugs and new features have been added to the system:

* Formatting of helpdesk issue body & notes without "pre" tags.
* admin interface for tags, updated tag listing
* Ordering options for tags, ability to change modifier for tag name.
* Folder for icons from "Sweetie-BasePack-v3"
* Help system (mostly just for the Helpdesk).
* Status messages show icon in title for prettiness. :)
* After re-linking an issue, message now shows link back to previous project.
* Fix header (of SQL files) to have proper SVN keywords & such.
* Ability to change helpdesk issue name (issue #70).
* Fix order of tags when viewing issue (#123).
* Fix initial priority based on tag modifier (#77).
* Display ancestry link list instead of just project name on summary (#101).
* Use block rows to display input or text for open/closed issue (#119).
* Display currently logged-in user (#71).
* Implement newest version of cs-content (0.10.6)
* External helpdesk remembers contact_id/email
* Better internal error handling & reporting
* Tag modifiers affect initial issue priority
* "Bug" auto-selected for new issues.
* Remove "Stall" option for issues (status not properly handled anyway)
* Enhanced email alerts, handle errors when sending
* BBCode implemented!
* Options for sending email locally vs. via SMTP (must be manually set)
* AuthToken system for handling temporary authentication (lost passwords)
* Helpdesk displays "Notified Users" list
* Use real cookies (ones that last after browser is closed)
* Javascript goodness for changing issue/project details
* Updated documentation for developers & such
* Use magic "__autoload()" function for class inclusions
* Updates & bugfixes to upgrade system
* Contacts can have multiple email address (one is always primary)
* Automatic exception logging
* More logging, better format of log details

Posted by Dan Falconer 2007-12-19

CS-Project: Version 1.1 (BETA) Release

PostgreSQL + PHP driven project management website. All projects can have notes, todo's, and associated helpdesk issues. Supports separation of projects into teams/groups. Extensive logging system for historical recording of events. Based on PHProjekt.

A BETA version of CS-Project 1.1.x has been released. This is a Subversion-only release: you can check it out from "".... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2007-11-01

CS-Project Version 1.0 Released

CS-Project Feature Overview

=== Simplicity ===
This system is built on a very simple premise: Project managers manage projects. There are various types of issues associated with those projects (bugs, feature requests, etc). Each project and issue have tasks associated with them. Everyone is interested in how long things take.

CS-Project incorporates all of these principles. Projects are a broad indicator of the various pieces of a system. Large projects can be broken into smaller parts (sometimes referred to as “milestones”) to help focus efforts. New issues, including bugs and feature requests, can be added to a project to help maintain a list of all the things that are requested or have been found to be problematic. Tasks (todos) create a breakdown of things that need to be accomplished.... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2007-10-13