
Features & Bugs Thread

  • Dan Falconer

    Dan Falconer - 2007-10-23

    If you have any feature requests or bugs to report, please respond to this thread with all pertinent information.  Thank you for showing interest in CS-Project!

    • Phil Hord

      Phil Hord - 2008-04-22

      I'd like to try it out, but it seems to insist on being installed in a subdomain at the root of an  apache web.  I'm not interested in doing all that just to try it out. Is there any way to run it in a subfolder, like

      • Dan Falconer

        Dan Falconer - 2008-04-22

        If you are interested in trying out CS-Project, I urge you to download the VMware appliance, currently available only in SVN: (I would encourage you to read the "README.txt" file).  This appliance allows you to play with CS-Project without needing to worry about messing with production servers or databases.

        At present, CS-Project is coded to be run as it's own website, not to be installed in a sub-directory of an existing website.  I have submitted a feature request (#171); you can view it at (if you remark on the issue, you will be notified of any changes).

        Please let me know if you have any problems using the VMware appliance.  I have had no feedback thusfar on the appliance from my testers.  Thanks.

    • Dan Falconer

      Dan Falconer - 2008-04-22

      Sorry, the external link for the issue is (the other requires a login).


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