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Crystal Space: Only $400 missing for Linux Computer!

Crystal Space is an Open Source 3D Engine for Linux, MacOS/X, and Windows. We support many modern features (vertex and fragment shaders, stencil shadows, lightmaps, physics, skeletal animation, scripting, ...).

For some time now we are running a donation campaign to try to raise a bit of money for a new computer that would help us develop Crystal Space on Linux and also improve Crystal Space development in general (i.e. it would give us easy access to valgrind again which is an extremely useful tool to debug problems in any kind of program). At this moment we're only $400 (USD) short of the required money for the computer we have in mind. If you want to help us with this goal then you can visit the Project Donations page ( for more details about possible ways to donate to us or you can go directly to the Crystal Space Donations Page at (requires PayPal or payment through credit card). ... read more

Posted by Jorrit Tyberghein 2005-09-27