

pedro ubuntu

cryptomac - macchanger automate script

| Author:  [ r00t-3xp10it ]
| Suspicious-Shell-Activity (SSA) PurpleTeam develop @2016
| HomePage:
| Project developers: r00t-3xp10it | crypt0_buf
| Automating macchanger tasks for my friend 'crypt0_buf'
| sutch as: change mac address, set tx-power, region settings
| signal strength, set network-manager cloned mac address
| Build/delete cryptostart init.d startup entry, use arpon
| software to prevent arp poison attacks (MitM) and displays
| network information using watch + iw + tcpdump software...
| option1: set Tx-Power and code region (iw + iwconfig)
| option2: manually change your mac address (macchanger --mac)
|          "this option add a cloned mac to network-manager"
| option3: random change your mac address (macchanger -r)
| option4: change mac settings to default (permanent mac)
| option5: build init.d startup script (cryptostart)
|          "this option builds all symlinks needed by cryptostart"
|          "this option add a cloned mac to network-manager at startup"
| option6: deactivate cryptostart script from runing at system startup
| option7: activate cryptostart script from runing at system startup
| option8: delete cryptostart script from /etc/init.d folder
|          "this option delete all symlinks added by cryptostart"
| option9: run 'arpon' anti-arp-poison software
|          "this option prevents ARP poison attacks and logs traffic"
| option10: analyze network traffic (tcpdump)
| option11: display signal strength (watch iwconfig)
| Adicionally tool settings can be found in "settings.conf" file
| sutch as: hidde permanent mac display, delete .pcap files on
|_exit or skipp dependencies checks at script startup...

comum system/configuration bugs

| option1: The default TX-Power of wireless is set to 20 dBm, notice that Some
|          models will not support these settings or wireless chip may state that
|          it “can” transmit with higher power, users must know what is allowed
|          or not allowed in their country (region code).
|          "year 2013 TX-Power settings"
|          country BO: DFS-JP
|          (2402 – 2482 @ 40), (30) <<<< the old uncapped database. Limit is 30
|          "year 2014 TX-Power new settings"
|          country BO: DFS-JP
|          (2402 – 2482 @ 40), (20) <<<< notice it is now capped at 20
|_The complete list can be found here:

| option2: does not add the cloned mac to network-manager (ESSID)
|          Posible causes: first time connected to this ESSID
|_Fix:     manually add the mac clone into network-manager ESSID

| option4: does not connect to the network ESSID (auto-conection)
|          option2/option5 insert a cloned mac addr into
|          network-manager, for that reazon iam forced to
|          delete all configurations from network-manager
|          including ESSID and wifi password...
|_Fix:     connect to target ESSID and input wifi pass

| option5: does not connect to the network ESSID (at startup)
|          every time we change our mac address the target
|          router thinks that its a new device connecting,
|          thats the reazon why ESSID asks for wifi pass.
|          The rigth way to use cryptostart init.d script its to
|          change your mac addr using any option, reconnect to target
|          and let network-manager store credentials before the reboot.
|          'this way does not ask you for the wifi pass at system startup'
|_Fix:     connect to target ESSID and input wifi pass

| option8: does not connect to the network (auto-conection)
|          option2/option5 insert a cloned mac addr into
|          network-manager, for that reazon iam forced to
|          delete all configurations from network-manager
|          including ESSID and wifi password...
|_Fix:     connect to target ESSID and input wifi pass


| iw | iwconfig | macchanger | arpon | xterm | tcpdump | update-rc.d
|_" will download/install dependencies as they are needed"

how to install/run

| tar -xvf cryptomac.tar.gz
| cd cryptomac
| chmod +x
|_sudo ./

Special Thanks to:

Alvaro Lopez Ortega
for is macchanger utility, without is work none of this will be possible...

Alan cox
for is iw utility that allow us to confg many network/antena settings

Van jacobson - Craig leres - Steven McCanne
for is tcpdump utility that allow us to monitor/analyze lan (tcp)

Andrea Di Pasquale
for is arpon utility, that prevents arp poison attacks

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