


Cryptocheck is a desktop application whose primary purpose is to continuously monitor balances on your cryptocurrency accounts and raise alert in case of any change detected on your accounts. When alert is raised, an alert message shows up on your PC and optionally an e-mail notification is sent to your e-mail address. To verify balances, Cryptocheck connects to known online block explorer services.

It can be useful for long-term investors who have many different cryptocurrencies in their portfolio and do not make transactions very often. With Cryptocheck you no longer need to connect to all your different wallets with different passwords or check many different block explorer sites to simply just check that your money are still there.

With Cryptocheck you can perform checks of your portfolio either manually (on request) or it can be set to perform checks periodically with a given time period.

Cryptocheck also provides simple calculations of profit and current value in fiat currency and history charts mapping your portfolio history (profit/loss, portfolio structure, coin balances and rates).

Plus there is also a server node modality – a mix of PHP and Python scripts that can run on your server. Usually it is used together with the desktop application. The purpose of Cryptocheck server node is to perform continuous portfolio checks that are independent on your PC and therefore continue running when you e.g. turn off your PC. When you turn on your PC again after some time, the desktop application will connect to the server node and download all the latest check results and history data from the server. The server node has a web browser mobile-friendly user interface and can be used also separately as an online alternative to the desktop application (although it lacks the history charts functionality).

Cryptocheck desktop application

Supported cryptocurrencies

Binance Coin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Private, Bitcoin SV, BitConnect
Cardano, Chainlink
Dash, Dogecoin
Ethereum, Ethereum Classic
Huobi Token
OmiseGo, Ontology
SegWit2x, Stellar
Tether, Tezos, Theta, Theta Fuel, TRON
Uniswap, UNUS SED LEO, USD Coin
Wrapped Bitcoin

Discontinued cryptocurrencies are indicated by strikethrough.

A list of currently used block explorer API services for the corresponding cryptocurrencies can be found in the desktop application. Click icon to open the About dialog and see the page Block explorers.

Main controls

The main window consists of several panels and toolbars as shown in the screenshots below. Its user interface can be switched between two modes: checklist view and history charts view (use and buttons).

Main toolbar

Contains the main tools for performing checks (single, periodic), manipulating checklist (add, remove, edit), switching checklist/history view etc.

Check now (F5) - perform a single check
Continual check - start periodic checks
Show checklist - switch the main user interface to checklist view
Show history charts - switch the main user interface to history charts view
Add new address to checklist
Delete current address from checklist (Del)
Change current address details
Settings - open Settings dialog
About - open About dialog

Info panel

Shows the results of the last check.

Total value - sum of balances of all addresses in the checklist calculated in main (and optionally also in secondary) fiat currency
Investment - the total amount invested in buying all your cryptocurrencies in the checklist as defined in Settings → General → Total investment
Profit/Loss - difference between total value and investment expressed in fiat currrencies and in % of the investment
Status - overal status for the whole checklist (click on the status to get details about its meaning and possible reasons)

Please note that:

  • Some of these values can not be calculated if Cryptocheck fails to retrieve cryptocurrency and fiat rates from online resources - in such a case it will show zeroes instead.
  • To see all the parameters in the Info panel as shown in the screenshot above, setting of these parameters might be neccessary in Settings dialog (see section Basic setting).

A list of all your cryptocurrency addresses grouped by cryptocurrency name. When a check is performed, detailed informations are displayed in this checklist separately for each address. The displayed parameters are: cryptocurrency name, address, your description, latest cryptocurrency rate, latest address balance, address status, address balances in fiat currencies.

My portfolio donut chart

Represents your cryptocurrency portfolio structure as fractions of the total value (expressed in the main fiat currency).

Status bar

Shows important information about the running check, its progress and date and time of the last performed check.

History charts toolbar

Contains the main tools for controlling history charts.

Total value vs Investment (Profit/Loss) - history chart type switch
Portfolio structure - history chart type switch
Coin balances - history chart type switch
Coin rates - history chart type switch
Zoom to one day period (Ctrl+D)
Zoom to one week period (Ctrl+W)
Zoom to one month period (Ctrl+M)
Zoom to three months period (Ctrl+Q)
Zoom to one year period (Ctrl+Y)
Reset zoom (Ctrl+A)
Toggle Y zooming modes - toggle between mode 1 and mode 2
Auto zoom Y - the Y range is automatically adjusted when zooming
Y axis from zero - Y axis always starts from zero
From - allows to manually enter the beginning of the X axis
To - allows to manually enter the end of the X axis
History tools - opens popup menu with additional history manipulation tools (delete, renew, amend)

History chart

Area of the history chart. The chart will be shown only if history data are available for at least two time points.

Zoom in/out by using the mouse wheel.
Zoom to a selection by selecting area with the left mouse button.
Move the chart by dragging it with the right mouse button.
Show cursor by moving mouse over the chart area - data for the corresponding time point will be shown in Chart cursor info panel.
Show a popup menu for the indicated time point with a right click.

Chart controls

Set of controls that allow selection of displayed currencies and Y axis units. These controls change according to the selected chart type.

Chart cursor info panel

Shows all available data for the current time point indicated by the cursor in the History chart.

Getting started

1. Download the latest Cryptocheck version here or from the repository.
2. Extract all files from the ZIP archive to a desired folder.
3. Execute Cryptocheck.exe file.

Other OS
You can run Cryptocheck directly in Python.
1. Download and install Python 3
2. Download the latest Cryptocheck source code files here.
3. Run the script in Python 3.
4. If Python reports any missing packages, please install them by calling pip install package_name.

Adding a new address to the checklist
  1. Click the plus icon in the main toolbar.
  2. Choose a cryptocurrency from the dropdown menu.
  3. Fill in the address.
  4. Click on the arrow button next to the Expected balance field – the current balance will be filled in automatically. Alternatively you can fill in the balance manually.
  5. Add a description if you like (this field is optional, you can leave it empty).
  6. Finally click OK button – the address will be added to the checklist.

You can edit the address details later with the edit icon or by double-clicking the address in the checklist.
You can delete the address by clicking the minus icon or pressing Del key.

Basic setting

(it is better to do this before performing first check)

  1. Click the settings icon in the main toolbar.
  2. In General page, choose your main fiat currency. All calculations (total value, profit etc.) will be shown in this currency.
  3. If you wish, enable and select a secondary fiat currency. If enabled, calculations will be shown in both fiat currencies.
  4. To enable profit calculations, fill in the Total investment field – a total amount invested in buying all your cryptocurrencies in your checklist. The profit calculation is disabled if set to zero. Also please note that the total investment fiat currency is defined by the main currency.
  5. Go to the API keys page and consider creating your API key according to the instructions.
  6. Click OK to save the settings.
Checking addresses in your checklist
  • To perform a check manually click Check now icon in the main toolbar (or press F5).
  • To start periodic checks click Continual check icon in the main toolbar. You can change the frequency of checks in Settings → General → Continual check interval.
  • To perform checks on a remote server, see section Server node.

When a check is being performed, the progress is reported in the status bar.

If a check results with Alert! or Increased balance statuses, a message informing about this status will show up on your screen.


Checks performed by Cryptocheck can end with different statuses. These can have different reasons.

Status has not been checked yet after program start or after settings change. Press F5 to update the status.

All addresses show correct balance corresponding to preset expected balances.

Good news, balance of some of your addresses in checklist has increased. You should update the expected balance value for these particular addresses.

Check of some of your addresses in checklist has failed. It may be caused by incorrect address details, unavailable internet connection or temporary failure of some of the integrated block explorer API services. Try to update the status later.

Balance of some of your addresses in checklist is lower than expected balance. Please check all addresses with Alert! status. This may be caused just by incorrectly set expected balance value.

Advanced functions
History logging

Crytocheck can save results of performed checks and display how they evolved in time in the History charts view mode. History data logging can be turned on/off (by default it is on).

To set up history data logging:

  1. Click the settings icon in the main toolbar.
  2. Go to the History page.
  3. Check the Log history data option.
  4. Adjust the default chart and zoom options if you wish. These are applied after starting the application.

E-mail notifications

Cryptocheck can send notifications in case of any balance changes detected at any of your addresses in the checklist (i.e. current balance is lower/higher than the preset expected balance value).

To set up e-mail notifications:

  1. Click the settings icon in the main toolbar.
  2. Go to the Notifications page.
  3. Check the Enable e-mail notifications option.
  4. Fill in all Sender account details. Sender account is an e-mail account that will be used by Cryptocheck to send the notification e-mails. You can use any e-mail provider service that enables SMTP connection. It is recommended to create a new e-mail account for this purpose.
  5. Fill in Recipient e-mail address - this should be your e-mail address, it will be receiving the notifications.
  6. Check the Increased balance option in Notifications field if you wish to receive notifications when this status is raised. Notifications are always sent when Alert status is raised.
  7. Test the configuration by clicking the Send test message button and check your (recipient) e-mail address - you should receive a test message.
  8. Click OK to save the settings.

Server mode

In this mode, instead of performing checks on its own, Cryptocheck will periodically connect to your server node and download the latest check results and history data from there.

To set up server mode:

  1. Install and set up Cryptocheck server node on your server.
  2. Click the settings icon in the main toolbar.
  3. Go to the Server mode page.
  4. Check the Enable server mode option.
  5. Fill in your server node address. It is recommended to use HTTPS protocol.
  6. Fill in your server node access key. You will find it in Settings page of the server node.
  7. Adjust the Server connect interval if desired. This time specifies how frequently Cryptocheck will connect to the server node to check if any new data are available.
  8. Test the connection by clicking the Test connection button.
  9. Click OK to save the settings.
  10. In some cases Cryptocheck will ask you whether you want to download configuration from the server or upload your local configuration to the server. Here configuration = checklist (list of all your addresses) and some settings (Total investment, Main fiat currency).

Amend history data

By default only data from the successful checks performed by Cryptocheck are added to the history data plotted in the History charts view. But what if you are a new user of Cryptocheck or your computer was off for some time and now there is a gap in the history data?

You can manually amend history data by data based on historical cryptocurrency and fiat rates retrieved from online resources. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Switch to History charts view by clicking the chart icon in the main toolbar.
  2. Click the History tools button and select Amend history data... option.
  3. In the Amend history data dialog, fill in all the values and press Amend. To add multiple cryptocurrencies, repeat this step.
  4. Close the Amend history data dialog.

Cryptocheck automatically checks for updates. If a new version is available, a button New version available will appear in the top right corner of the main window.

To perform update:

  1. Click the New version available button.
  2. A dialog will show up summarizing changes in the new version. If you wish to proceed, click Yes.
  3. Cryptocheck will download some files, terminate the application and start the update process.
  4. Wait until the update process finishes, Cryptocheck will then be restarted.

Server node

As already mentioned, Cryptocheck server node is a mix of PHP and Python scripts that can run on your server. Usually it is used together with the desktop application. The purpose of Cryptocheck server node is to perform continuous portfolio checks that are independent on your PC and therefore continue running when you e.g. turn off your PC. When you turn on your PC again after some time, the desktop application will connect to the server node and download all the latest check results and history data from the server. The server node has a web browser mobile-friendly user interface and can be used also separately as an online alternative to the desktop application (although it lacks the history charts functionality). Since it is based on PHP, it communicates through standard HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) protocols and therefore can penetrate most company firewalls etc.


You will need a server connected to the internet. Download the latest Cryptocheck server node files here or from the repository. Proceed according to the instructions in the included README.txt file.

  1. Access the server node from your internet browser.
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Create your checklist. There are two possible ways.
  4. Navigate to the Service page.
  5. Click Start button. This will start periodical checks on the server. After a short while a log record should show up in the Log section and also results of the last check should show up in your connected desktop application.
  6. You can also navigate to the Status page to review the results of the last check.