

C. Bingbong


About crunkbong

Many Linux projects feature beautiful desktop backgrounds, polished user interfaces, and extensive, easy-to-use software. Screenshots boast their feature-rich userspace, which rivals commercial operating systems' refined aesthetics. They are attractive, well-known, and highly praised.

Crunkbong is not one of them.

Crunkbong is a switchblade for Linux. I feel like a switchblade is a great example of the KISS philosophy: it does one thing really well. You won't always need to use one. However, when the right time comes, you'll be glad you had it. Also, it's fairly small, and meant to be kept on hand for whenever a need arises.

I wanted to construct a user experience based on the same framework, one that is small (~300mb), can fit in your pocket (on a USB drive), and used for a specific purpose: to get information from point-A to point-B, whether locally or across a network.

While you can absolutely install and customize it to your preference, or even use it as a resource to debootstrap your own Debian-based build, it really isn't suitable for everyday needs -- for most people. By default, crunkbong boots to a console. If one wishes to use a graphical session, the user can specify (in ~/.xinitrc) whether to run openbox-session (default) or dwm, and run "startx".

Crunkbong is a means to accomplishing several specific ends with no commitment: you perform your task, and go back to the real world.

The do's and not-do's of crunkbong

Network analysis (wireshark/tshark, tcpdump, iftop). We all know that one person who asks for your help with their atrocious internet. If their network is malware-ridden enough, you probably don't want a persistent live session; but you might want some detailed network monitors.
Penetration testing (aircrack-ng, reaver). Personal networks only. Can be useful for testing how secure your network is, and for executing proof-of-concepts for recent network vulnerabilities.
File recovery (testdisk, ntfs-3g). If you've never recovered data from a failing hard drive, it's like getting the last will and testimony from a dying man with Alzheimer's. Hopefully these tools will make it easier for your device's final moments.
Other useful things (openvpn, ssh, tmux, custom shell scripts). It is built on devuan because I agree with their openness to other inits. Crunkbong uses sysv, and may use sinit/daemontools in future releases.

Small-scale project. While this project was inspired by older versions of programs like kali/parrotsec, grml, tails, and testdisk, it is by no means produced at the same scale. My concern with those distros is their reliance on systemd utilities. It's my personal belief that systemd encourages a more restrictive environment. In future releases, the stability of those operating systems will come at the cost of their own reliance on systemd utilities. This seems like an awful long-term idea. Therefore, crunkbong will commit to the most modular, open approach possible.
Spartan interface. This operating system is unpolished. Even connecting to a network is not automated and performed through a script (although one could easily install something like ceni or wicd). If that's not your thing, that's ok. Projects like MiYO, vuu-do, and refracta are all based on Devuan and boast a more conventional user experience. This project is focused on the goal of "getting information from one point to another without any unnecessary overhead, and then leaving." If that sounds preferable, this will probably be the best thumbdrive OS for you.
Tor. There are lots of well-documented reasons why tor is not the ideal way to browse anonymously. If you're not aware of these issues, I strongly encourage you to research them. With respect to this project's aim, the effort-to-benefit just isn't there right now. (You're welcome to download it in a session or splice it into your own version of this, however.)
Persistent sessions/files. Right now, I find the idea undesirable. I'll consider it if I can find a way that's minimal and secure.

See also...'s philosophy/manifest:
Devuan's official position on inits:
The Rise of "Worse is Better" (essay):
Friends of crunkbong (other devuan derivatives):