
#45 xml exception


After having used crrcsim for a week I suddenly cannot open the program, a dialogue box appears with: XML Exception: ConvToint:no number or trailing garbage in 1.34439-008 appears. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing software, deleting program folder and reinstaling software, turning pc off between actions and still the same problem. Can you help please?


  • Jens Wilhelm Wulf

    In one of the files which crrcsim is trying to load there is a string "1.34439-008". Maybe in a model file you downloaded from somewhere else or edited manually? Find that string and correct it. Maybe it should be "1.34439e-008"?

  • Peter

    Peter - 2020-08-04

    Jens thanks, I did find a file that contained1.34439e-008 within one of the french scenery files but have no idea how to access and change the code or what to change it to. I have deleted all files bearing crrcsim from system and re-installed software, it is now working again. Not sure if I should now keep clear of the nicer french scenary? What would you do? Thanks for help.

  • Jens Wilhelm Wulf

    There is no need to change source code.

    Option A:
    From where did you get that "french scenery file"? Try to download again, compare to the file on your disk. Contact the author in case they are the same (i.e. the author provides a malformed file).

    Option B:
    If it contains "1.34439-008" then this most likely needs a change to "1.34439e-008". I would open the file with an editor (can't recommend something, don't know your system), edit, save, try again. Then try to find out why this malformed number is there. Did the author provide it that way? Did someone/something change it after downloading?

  • Peter

    Peter - 2020-08-05

    Jens Thank you for suggestions: I obtained the files via BARCS web site forum using this link: The number in the program did contain the "e". I will try again anyway. Thanks. Pete


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