
Tree [030d1b] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .idea 2023-05-05 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [a1761e] Disable warning
 bin 2020-09-13 akirschbaum akirschbaum [41cdd0] Update URLs in documentation and help dialog
 doc 2023-05-09 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [d871be] Show the currently active skill on the main window
 gradle 2021-02-09 akirschbaum akirschbaum [54de9f] Upgrade to Gradle 6.8.2
 misc 2024-04-07 Nicolas Weeger Nicolas Weeger [030d1b] Upgrade JRE for Windows package
 repo 2020-02-11 akirschbaum akirschbaum [6b9dbd] Add support for mp3 sounds
 src 2024-04-01 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [71b8cb] Do not crash if the system clipboard is unavail...
 .gitignore 2021-08-12 Nicolas Weeger Nicolas Weeger [0195e8] Add Windows installer, using NSIS
 .gitmodules 2022-02-27 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [839a0c] Include sound effects from the crossfire-sounds...
 ChangeLog 2024-04-01 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [71b8cb] Do not crash if the system clipboard is unavail...
 LICENSE 2010-03-24 akirschbaum akirschbaum [440858] Fix repository structure.
 README 2021-08-12 Nicolas Weeger Nicolas Weeger [0195e8] Add Windows installer, using NSIS
 README.Linux 2011-01-30 akirschbaum akirschbaum [e50080] Update documentation.
 build-run 2021-01-16 akirschbaum akirschbaum [8c619c] Allow to start multiple build environments in p...
 build-setup 2023-05-28 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [fddc21] Update build environment to Debian 11
 build.gradle 2024-04-07 Nicolas Weeger Nicolas Weeger [030d1b] Upgrade JRE for Windows package 2021-02-09 akirschbaum akirschbaum [e5cbfc] Enable some Gradle warnings
 gradlew 2021-02-09 akirschbaum akirschbaum [54de9f] Upgrade to Gradle 6.8.2
 gradlew.bat 2021-02-09 akirschbaum akirschbaum [54de9f] Upgrade to Gradle 6.8.2
 jxclient.jnlp 2023-04-29 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [d37b1c] Update copyright notices 2016-02-29 ryo_saeba ryo_saeba [ae94e4] Allow the use of HTML colors for text.
 settings.gradle 2022-02-26 Andreas Kirschbaum Andreas Kirschbaum [937fb5] Move sound files from src/gui to src/sounds

Read Me

Project description:
JXClient is a client for Crossfire (

- Sun JRE 8 or higher;

Fullscreen support:
JXClient uses the fullscreen support provided by the JVM.

Although the client will switch to windowed mode if real fullscreen is not
available, it is important to note that accelerated support will probably end up
being disabled.

You can download an updated version from either
or from .

To check if the graphical operations are accelerated, you can add
"-Dsun.java2d.trace=log,timestamp,count,out:java2d.log" to your JVM command
line, run the client, then check the content of java2d.log.

Compiling the sources:
Run "./gradlew" (or gradlew on Windows) to build the client. This builds the

If you have more than one Java version installed, you can select the right
version with

    JAVA_HOME=/.../jdk1.8.0_65 ./gradlew


    SET JAVA_HOME=\...\jdk1.8.0_65

on Windows.

Run the client with "java -jar jxclient.jar".

Connecting through a proxy:
Set an HTTP proxy to allow metaserver access to retrieve the list of available
game servers:

    java -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.hostname and -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -jar jxclient.jar

or, alternatively,

    export http_proxy=http://proxy.hostname:8080/
    java -jar jxclient.jar

Set a SOCKS proxy for connection to game servers:

    java -DsocksProxyHost=proxy.hostname -DsocksProxyPort=1080 -jar jxclient.jar

Windows Installer:

It is possible to build a Windows installer, see files in misc/windows_installer for more information.