
CroALa / Blog: Recent posts

Jan 2014 update

Updated XML files -- now there are 425 documents with 5,085,955 words. The bibliography file is produced by an XQuery (the corpus exists now locally as a pure XML database, served through BaseX).

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2014-01-27


There is now some documentation with howtos on use and profile of the collection. Also, a presentation was given at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Innsbruck, Austria, 11 Sept 2012.

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2012-09-30

Status report

Revision finished. A paper presented at the 2012 IANLS conference in Münster.

Status: on Aug 23, 2012 CroALa has 4.685.419 words, 276 documents by c. 127 authors.

15 documents are medieval. 170 documents are from the Renaissance. 85 are from the Early Modern period. 4 were written after 1900.

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2012-08-23

Revision under way

We are working at revising the metadata for texts in the CroALa collection. So far, some 68 out of 143 headers have been revised. At the same time, we produce additional data for a prosopography and bibliography FRBR system, soon to be published as "Mercurius Croaticus".

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2012-03-08 Labels: metadata

New texts in the download archive

New in the CroALa neo-Latin texts archive for 31/1/2012: Damjan Beneša, De morte Christi (more than 8000 verses); Mihovil Vrančić, an epigram in the Krakow edition of Juvenal; Galoppa's poem in the Korčula statute.

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2012-01-31 Labels: texts beneša vrančić neo-latin

Counting Backwards

Some statistics on texts currently in the Croatiae auctores Latini collection:

  • 143 files (including some duplicates!)
  • 437.218 words
  • 29.637.450 characters
  • 16.465,25 Textkarten
  • 1029 Druckbogen
Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2012-01-05

Small changes

Rearranged the directory structure, added various XSL files used for experimenting and getting data out of the XML. Also, some duplicate files should be erased in r2.

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2011-09-12

First commit

Here is the first version of CroALa TEI XML text collection. We are still finding our way around on SourceForge and learning SVN. However, the texts are those used in our PhiloLogic deployment, in this SourceForge version even a bit more up-to-date.

Posted by Neven Jovanovic 2011-09-07