
Crisis physics library / News: Recent posts

Crisis physics library now licensed under BSD

Crisis is a robust, technologically advanced, fast and maintainable Lagrange multiplier based constrained rigid body dynamics simulator. Constraints are used to enforce body non-penetration, simulate friction at contacts or anchor bodies together to simulate nails or hinges. The simulator is able to handle very different kinds of simulations, such as mere non-penetrating bodies, bodies connected by joints, articulated human-like figures or vehicles. ... read more

Posted by Marek Vondrak 2007-05-06

Crisis physics library hosted on SourceForge

Crisis physics library is now hosted on SourceForge.

Crisis is a robust, technologically advanced, fast and maintainable Lagrange multiplier based constrained rigid body dynamics simulator. Constraints are used to enforce body non-penetration, simulate friction at contacts or anchor bodies together to simulate nails or hinges. The simulator is able to handle very different kinds of simulations, such as mere non-penetrating bodies, bodies connected by joints, articulated human-like figures or vehicles.... read more

Posted by Marek Vondrak 2006-03-25