
creamchat / News: Recent posts

next gen

creamchat (phpcc) is evolving into something I think will be fit for a release within a near future.

I have chosen to make the phpcc client side into separate application and interface objects using Object Oriented Javascript and so far it seems to be working nicely.

What it means is that there will be a standard phpcc client class but there can be any number of interface that can talk to the client and show it to the end user or take information from the end user and send it to the phpcc client class (the user may want to login or send a message etc).... read more

Posted by Christian Westman 2006-03-01

Just started

okay, we have a creamchat project up and running now at sourceforge, very good =)
At the moment creamchat is in the alpha stage and so there are no files I feel we should publish yet as creamchat is undergoing a whole rewrite sort of "more like rewriting stuff to make any sense"

In the meantime we have posted a few screenshots of creamchat in its current stage. It supports multiple channels "but has a SQL bug that will be gone in the rewrite" and user accounts can be created. Users can post formated text, images and links directly into the chat.... read more

Posted by Christian Westman 2006-02-21