

changelog (1)
Dr Dump

2.0.20 (31-01-2018)

  • Fixed bug: when used with static CRT there were no handlers for CRT errors (like abort() and so on).

2.0.19 (06-12-2017)

  • Fixed bug: full report not uploaded if additional file added that is inaccessible (sharing violation for example).

2.0.18 (25-02-2016)

  • Changed: only the first crash is reported when more than one thread crashed simultaneously.
  • Fixed bug: when library reinitialized using custom data collection settings with empty UserData custom data collection callback recieves previous UserData value.
  • Fixed bug: report uploaded page may open twice.
  • Minor stability improvements.

2.0.17 (24-05-2015)

  • Added custom data collection callback function that will be called before full report upload.
  • Fixed bug: if UseWER is true WER dialog appeass over report upload windows

2.0.16 (31-10-2014)

  • Added CrashProcessingCallback callback function that will be called when crash reporting occurs.
  • Added: SendRptPath and DbgHelpPath HandlerSettings members now may accept filenames if these modules exist in same folder as crashrpt.dll
  • Fixed bug: crash_rpt::CrashRpt::SendReport crashed on processing assert exception when crashrpt.dll missed (the assert exception was processed as other exceptions).

2.0.15 (26-09-2014)

  • Fixed bug: crashrpt.dll by default was looking for the sendrpt.exe in the folder with main application .exe (but should look in the folder where crashrpt.dll exist).
  • Fixed bug: A file indexing service may interfere with the crash reporting process.
  • Added CRASHRPT_ENABLE_RELEASE_ASSERTS macro which enables the assertion reports to be sent on C "assert" macro for Release configuration.
  • Added: all binaries were digitally signed.
  • Changed: no error dialog appears if crashrpt has failed to send crash report.

2.0.14 (18-08-2014)

  • Fixed bug: symupload.exe was unable to upload symbols
  • Added new option -noprogress to symupload.exe

2.0.13 (17-08-2014)

  • Breaking changes: To use Doctor Dump SDK you need to redistribute crashrpt.dll, sendrpt.exe, dbghelp.dll instead of crshhndl.dll.
  • Supported rename of Crash Server to Doctor Dump service.
    Now you should use "SkipDoctorDump_" prefix instead of "CrashServer_" to skip functions from processing.
  • Added option to rename crashrpt.dll to any suitable for you name using new CrashHandler constructors.
  • Added option to rename sendrpt.exe, dbghelp.dll using new SendRptPath and DbgHelpPath fields in HandlerSettings struct.
  • Added experimental (may be deleted in the feature) SetCustomInfo method. The text provided will be available on Doctor Dump dumps page.
  • Added RemoveUserInfoFromReport method.
  • Added support of custom groups for assertion violation reports.
  • Fixed bug when UserInfo was cut on first non-ASCII-7 character.


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