
wb2uci with multiple engines Log in to Edit

Valters Baumanis

Winboard to UCI adapter with multiple engines for Crafty GUI

By using Winboard to UCI adapter you can add a Winboard protocol engine as if it was an UCI engine, this both fixes some compatibility issues in many cases (where winboard engines has problems in Crafty GUI) and allows you to add polyglot opening book (learn how to do it here).

Here is a demo video:

Step by step:
1. Download wb2uci:
2. Extract it in some folder
3. copy Wb2Uci.eng to %name_of_engine_you_wish_to_add%.eng
4. open %name_of_engine_you_wish_to_add%.eng in Notepad
5. In the second line, that has "Name" variable, change "Name of engine" to the name of engine you wish to add
6. In the seventh line, that has the "Program" variable, change "engine.exe" to the full path and filename of the engine you wish to add (for example "C:\soft\chess\NagaSkaki_512\NagaSkaki.exe" without quotes)
7. Now add the wb2uci.exe as a new chess engine to Crafty GUI, - notice that you will have to manually enter the engine name by double clicking the "Name" field in the "Chess Engine" dialog
8. Open your Documents folder (starting from Windows Vista this should be "C:\Users\%user%\Documents\") followed by "CraftyChess" and "Polyglot" subfolders
9. Open in the Notepad the latest ini file created (should be something like "Wb2Uci378612928.ini")
10. Edit the "EngineCommandLine" line to equal the "%name_of_engine_you_wish_to_add%.eng" - for example:
EngineCommandLine = Nagaskaki.eng
11. Close and save the file
12. Now you should have a new Winboard engines as UCI engine added to Crafty GUI, you can repeat the steps if you wish to add another winboard engine as an UCI engine.