
Tree [c24da4] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 demo 2016-01-29 Mike Lam Mike Lam [44af71] Added new gitignore files
 extern 2013-05-14 Mike Lam Mike Lam [258e6b] Large cleanup; removed gc/mpfr deps; better readme
 h 2014-04-18 Mike Lam Mike Lam [ae227b] Removed some old and unneeded Dyninst-related h...
 scripts 2016-01-29 Mike Lam Mike Lam [3676b5] Updated craft script for Ruby 2.0
 src 2016-01-29 Mike Lam Mike Lam [c24da4] Updated for Dyninst 9.1
 testsuite 2016-01-29 Mike Lam Mike Lam [9a55d1] Removed mixed-precision tests from default test...
 utils 2014-06-18 Mike Lam Mike Lam [badc89] Improvements to iprof utility
 viewer 2014-04-18 Mike Lam Mike Lam [22e33c] Use larger integers in cancellation report
 .gitignore 2013-05-31 Mike Lam Mike Lam [2d4625] Reorganized viewer folder and added Ant project
 LICENSE 2013-05-30 Mike Lam Mike Lam [929052] Updated license file
 Makefile 2014-04-02 Mike Lam Mike Lam [41f66f] Extracted printf wrappers into libfpc and libm ...
 README 2016-01-29 Mike Lam Mike Lam [c24da4] Updated for Dyninst 9.1

Read Me

     == CRAFT: Configurable Runtime Analysis for Floating-point Tuning ==

                      Mike Lam, University of Maryland


Building and using this project currently requires signficant experience in
systems development. Major features may still be unimplemented, APIs may not be
stabilized, graphical user interfaces may be rough, and there are many known
bugs and issues yet to be resolved.

This file includes some basic installation and compilation instructions.
Warning: these are probably incomplete. Contact the author if you encounter
issues with building this software.

Currently this project only works on x86_64 Linux. The environment variable
PLATFORM needs to be set to "x86_64-unknown-linux2.4".


* DyninstAPI
  Tested version: 9.1.0
  To obtain: "git clone"

Dyninst must be compiled and accessible to the linker. The environment variable
DYNINST_ROOT should point to the location it is installed.

* XED2 Library
  Tested version: from Pin 2.13-65163

Set the XED_KIT variable in the Makefile appropriately after you have downloaded
Pin. There is no need to compile Pin or XED from source. Note that CRAFT does
not use Pin directly, only XED.

* Boost headers
  Tested version: 1.53.0

The default Boost headers on your system may work. If you get Boost-related
compile errors, download the headers from the URL above and use the
LOCAL_INC_DIRS variable in the Makefile to point the compiler to it (using

To build CRAFT, use the "make" command in the root directory. You will need a
reasonably recent (4.x) version of gcc. The build has been tested with gcc
version 4.6.2.

There is currently no installation routine. You will need to add the $PLATFORM
folder created by the build process to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I recommend
writing a shell script to set PLATFORM, DYNINST_ROOT, PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

For replacement analysis to work, the current directory (".") also needs to be
in LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the runtime linker can find the rewritten shared

To test the build, execute the "./run_tests" command in the testsuite folder.

To sanity-check a non-testsuite executable, try one of the following commands:

    fpinst --cinst <binary>
    fpinst --dcancel <binary>
    fpinst --svinp double <binary>

To use the automatic search script, you will need Ruby 2.0 or later.

To build and use the GUI, you will need Java 1.6 or later.

CRAFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program.  If not, see <>.

For more license details, please read LICENSE in the main project directory.