Activity for CRAFT HPC Floating-point Analysis

  • Mike Lam committed [c24da4]

    Updated for Dyninst 9.1

  • Mike Lam committed [9a55d1]

    Removed mixed-precision tests from default test...

  • Mike Lam committed [3676b5]

    Updated craft script for Ruby 2.0

  • Mike Lam committed [44af71]

    Added new gitignore files

  • Mike Lam committed [53af3f]

    Updated README

  • Mike Lam committed [077487]

    Merge branch 'fpinfo'

  • Mike Lam committed [c34e3a]

    Build fixes for newer version of Pin/XED2

  • Mike Lam committed [f6f2d9]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [3b0d09]

    Revert earlier addition of debug output

  • Mike Lam committed [5b04cc]

    Added CFG graph debug output

  • Mike Lam committed [b1ae8d]

    Formally remove replaced instruction blocks

  • Mike Lam committed [0378d0]

    Fixed path for internal Dyninst header (v8.2 ch...

  • Mike Lam committed [2369dc]

    Renamed fpinfo utility to "iprof" (part 1)

  • Mike Lam committed [badc89]

    Improvements to iprof utility

  • Mike Lam committed [921211]

    Renamed fpinfo utility to "iprof" (part 2)

  • Mike Lam committed [48a976]

    Use long integer counts in fpinfo

  • Mike Lam committed [bda3b1]

    Better handling of libc and libm in fpinfo

  • Mike Lam committed [db3ac0]

    Added new fpinfo views

  • Mike Lam committed [2651d3]

    Improvements to fpinfo utility

  • Mike Lam committed [f8609b]

    Initial work on fpinfo utility

  • Mike Lam committed [b6528d]

    Added fpinfo analysis script

  • Mike Lam committed [04d9f2]

    More work on fpinfo utility

  • Mike Lam committed [7ebcac]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [22e33c]

    Use larger integers in cancellation report

  • Mike Lam committed [a4c066]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [a24874]

    Adds rudimentary search experiments to the test...

  • Mike Lam committed [846989]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [46e0bc]

    Remove defunct cancellation detection code from...

  • Mike Lam committed [ae227b]

    Removed some old and unneeded Dyninst-related h...

  • Mike Lam committed [9045a0]

    Fixed rprec testing

  • Mike Lam committed [ebb94f]

    Output cleanup in rprec viewer

  • Mike Lam committed [c35058]

    Disable caret in replaced output (libfpc version)

  • Mike Lam committed [1de943]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [718a51]

    Enabled debug statements in test suite

  • Mike Lam committed [676079]

    Ubuntu-specific function wrappers

  • Mike Lam committed [9650a9]

    Minor tweaks to GUI

  • Mike Lam committed [e533dd]

    Initial implementation of lowest-cost delta-deb...

  • Mike Lam committed [12f79a]

    Added support for an optional analysis paramete...

  • Mike Lam committed [c1746a]

    Intial work on example analysis and genericized...

  • Mike Lam committed [d59a41]

    Multithreaded implementation of delta debugging...

  • Mike Lam committed [41f66f]

    Extracted printf wrappers into libfpc and libm ...

  • Mike Lam committed [295181]

    Merge branch 'master' into working

  • Mike Lam committed [866c01]

    Added new script and fixed bug in another